aauuggh!! what is wrong with me!!?

I dunno what has been going on lately, my motivation has been M.I.A! It all started about a week ago, I kept making excuses for what I ate and said oh it's okay if I eat this blizzard from Dairy Queen, i'll just work out extra hard tonight...then do I?...nope! I had been a little frustrated that the scale hadn't budged at all for almost 2 weeks nor could I tell a difference (supposedly others did) and I would like to think that I had just given up, but I didn't...if I did, why would I still be here? why would I be posting this? ....well to be honest I don't really know why, ha! I guess I just needed to type what i've been feeling lately...like a big fat lump on a log, and I need to get out of this slump ASAP my husband is going to be home from deployment at the end of March and I am hoping to lose another 45 LBS by then!!!


    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    I know what's wrong...you're human! It happens to all of us! As I'm typing, I'm looking at Jillian Michaels point her little buffed finger at me, and I'll bet dime to a dollar she has her moments of weakness. The difference is, she doesnt let it drag on.

    Try this...sit down tomorrow, and write out a menu for the entire week. Make enough for dinner that you can have leftovers for the following day's lunch. Create your shopping list, go to the store and get prepared. Then make sure you at least walk for 30 minutes every day. If you can't make yourself do it, recruit a friend or someone here to help keep you accountable.

    Sometimes just getting organized is the kick in the pants we need to get going again.

    You can do it! You've got a fantastic goal set for yourself! And remember, regardless of how proud your husband will be of you when he gets back, it will be nothing compared to how proud you'll be of yourself. Come on, Kylee! I've got your back! We'll do it together!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    First off you are not a big fat bump on a log what you are is HUMAN who has slipped on the road to success! Before bed make your meal/lunch for the next day and include that lil snack, after that fill your 1/2 gallon jug of water and then lay out your workout clothes, there your set! If you are tired and do not feel like working out play some funky music to get yourself going! You can do this, we know you can so come onnnn !!! Best wishes sweetie!!!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I was just sitting here wondering what's wrong with me...I was craving sugar so bad tonight that I felt like crying because there was nothing sweet in the house. I ended up making oatmeal with about 1/2 cup sugar. I hate feeling this way...I feel like a drug addict.

    Hard times come and go though...that much I've learned. If you stick it out, and keep your goals in mind, you'll start to feel stronger again. Motivation comes and goes...you just have to stick it out through the hard times.
  • skrumm
    skrumm Posts: 178 Member
    You should join the support and motivation group "No sweets til Thanksgiving" It's helped me stay on track. I think after Thanksgiving we will try no sweets til Christmas. Come join us! You can do this!
  • kyleefreeman
    kyleefreeman Posts: 70 Member
    Thank you all so much for the support, that is a great idea about laying my work-out clothes out so there is no avoiding or time to contemplate if I really want to go! I am also going to be making a list of meals and going grocery shopping for ONLY the ingredients I will be using! wish me luck, Day 1 begins tomorrow...again :grumble:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I am having to do the same thing with my work out clothes. I started working out during my lunch break at work. I was exhausted yesterday and was already in bed when I realized I hadn't packed my clothes for today but I got out of bed and did it. I'm still pretty tired right now but I will probably take a nap during my morning break so I won't have an excuse to skip the gym.

    This is my crucial week. I want to look super hot in my Halloween costume. I know losing 2-3 pounds won't make a HUGE difference in what I look like, but it will give me confidence for the night.