
I joined this site because I was having trouble losing the last 20 pounds towards my goal. I am not sure if I have hit the dread plateau. I am also having trouble staying motivated to exercise because of how unbelievably hot this summer has been in NY. I know my goal should be 1200 calories a day, but I am averaging at much higher. I haven't gone above 2000 though. Between December 26, 2011 and June 3, I was able to lose 30 pounds. Since then (today is August 4) I have lost 3 more pounds because of this website. I know I can do it if I have a harder push. I've been doing all the right things - mostly fruits and vegetables and small portions of everything else. I can't afford a gym (yes even the $10 a month ones) and I can't afford air conditioning either...which is why workout videos at home aren't working either. Does anyone have any other suggestions? Or should I just keep trying to maintain until the fall comes and then I can kick up the workouts outside again? I walk to work everyday - a mile - mainly out of necessity (can't afford the bus or gas) But that's really the only workouts I've been getting.


  • debbiestine
    debbiestine Posts: 265 Member
    wow, you're doing great- you walk a mile to and from the bus stop everyday? You've cleaned up your eating habits and are living without air conditioning?
    Keep doing what you are doing to maintain and then add a little weights in the fall (use cans,milk cartons etc).
    Good for you!
  • christinacrisfield
    christinacrisfield Posts: 77 Member
    I am self employed as a tutor...the summer means very financially lean months. So I work as a babysitter. I'm fortunate in that the client is a one mile walk from my house so that I can save on bus fare and don't have to drive. But I am used to doing 4 miles on the track. So I am concerned that this three mile deficit, not to mention significantly less calories are burned walking than running, is going to affect my weight loss. And yes, I only turn on the AC when I have to clean my apartment. This summer is killing me!
  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member
    try working out at night

    i live in ny also with no AC and i get my workouts in at 6 am or when it gets dark
  • christinacrisfield
    christinacrisfield Posts: 77 Member
    For June and July I did my workouts at 6am. But when you wake up and feel hot and sticky, the last thing you want to do is workout. That's what's been my problem the last few days. The last time I worked out was Monday morning.
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    A few things. You haven't plateaued. You've lost a substantial amount of weight. The last pounds come off slower, and cutting down on the exercise will have an effect. Try setting you weight loss goal to 1lb per week vs. 2. You'll still be eating at a deficit, and you'll be less inclined to go over since you'll be allotted more calories. This will help your attitude and motivation, and the extra calories will give you more energy to work out.
  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    Is there anyway you can get up earlier? On work days, I do my best to get up at 4 am and out the door by 4:15 for a 45 minute run, then hop in a cool shower before heading to work. I live in PA and it's been a scorcher here, too. Went out at 8 am today and the sun beating on my back the entire time was a breaker for me - only got 3.75 miles in & feel sick from the hot sun. We only have a window air conditioner in the dining room - can't even get central air with hot water heat so I feel the pain of the heat right with ya. Stay positive!
  • christinacrisfield
    christinacrisfield Posts: 77 Member
    As it is I get up at 530. The problem is really that I wake up tired, dizzy and sticky from the heat. So it has made me not want to exercise.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I can't afford a gym either. So I make my bedroom into my private gym every evening. (I, too, wake up too groggy and tired to even think, let alone exercise.) I have been doing the Couch to 5K program and blazing back and forth in a small 5 foot trail from my bedroom door to the foot of my bed and back. It's boring scenery, but I keep my radio blaring, so that helps.
  • christinacrisfield
    christinacrisfield Posts: 77 Member
    I can't afford a gym either. So I make my bedroom into my private gym every evening. (I, too, wake up too groggy and tired to even think, let alone exercise.) I have been doing the Couch to 5K program and blazing back and forth in a small 5 foot trail from my bedroom door to the foot of my bed and back. It's boring scenery, but I keep my radio blaring, so that helps.

    I did couch to 5K several years ago and loved it. If I did that in my bedroom, my neighbors downstairs would have me evicted though! lol. Not to mention I don't have AC so that could end badly. Glad it's working for you though!
  • christinacrisfield
    christinacrisfield Posts: 77 Member
    Is there anyway you can get up earlier? On work days, I do my best to get up at 4 am and out the door by 4:15 for a 45 minute run, then hop in a cool shower before heading to work. I live in PA and it's been a scorcher here, too. Went out at 8 am today and the sun beating on my back the entire time was a breaker for me - only got 3.75 miles in & feel sick from the hot sun. We only have a window air conditioner in the dining room - can't even get central air with hot water heat so I feel the pain of the heat right with ya. Stay positive!

    I wake up at 5:30 so I don't think I could handle any earlier. My diabetes may be having an effect on how I am handling the heat, I just realized.
  • christinacrisfield
    christinacrisfield Posts: 77 Member
    A few things. You haven't plateaued. You've lost a substantial amount of weight. The last pounds come off slower, and cutting down on the exercise will have an effect. Try setting you weight loss goal to 1lb per week vs. 2. You'll still be eating at a deficit, and you'll be less inclined to go over since you'll be allotted more calories. This will help your attitude and motivation, and the extra calories will give you more energy to work out.

    I went a good month without losing one pound though, so I think that might classify as Plateau? I started losing again when I went on this site. Just don't want to plateau again.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    If your activity has decreased and your weight loss has stalled I would consider reducing calorie intake to compensate.
  • christinacrisfield
    christinacrisfield Posts: 77 Member
    If your activity has decreased and your weight loss has stalled I would consider reducing calorie intake to compensate.

    I don't know how safe that would be though, I'm a diabetic. And as it is, I only eat when I get hungry. 1400 is the lowest I will go. I know people say 1200, just not sure how safe that is. Opinions?