Hello from Iowa

Hello there. I'm new to this site but I've been working on my weight loss for nearly a year now. One year ago today I had horrible knee pain and began walking with a cane. And not just any old cane, it was one of those with the four prongs on the bottom of the cane for additional stability. My doctor said I had arthritis in my knee. I was 39 years old - yes, you read that right - 39 years old. I had been walking twice a day in an effort to be healthy but my snacking habits were out of control. In Feb I cut down the snacking and joined a weight loss support group. We get together every Saturday to weigh in and talk about our week. We share our joys and sorrows. It has made all the difference in the world. As of this morning I am officially down 44 pounds from a year ago. I'm so happy. I stopped walking with a cane earlier this year. A month ago I turned 40 and I was able to put on high heels for the first time in over a year. I feel like a woman again!!

If you are out there struggling with weight loss, please hang in there! I know it is a tough road but you can do it! I encourage you to find other women and get together on a weekly basis for weigh in, encouragement and support. Research weight loss strategies and share them with other group members. Stay positive and focused. And I hope and pray you'll find great women like I found with my group.


  • feistygirl09
    Welcome Iowa!!!

    Congrats on your success!! It's not easy & it gets harder as we get older. I love this site & I hope you do too!!

    Good luck!!