Visceral Fat - How to lose it?

We have talked a lot about the dreaded belly fat on these threads and i have gotten some great advice thats really working. I have been doing cardio 4 times a week and strength training 3-4 times a week (lifting heavy) along with eating at a deficit. I have been doing this (this time around) for about 30 days and i do see and feel a difference. The fat is slowy going and i feel better in my clothes. I have found that the way i carry my weight is primarily due to femaie issues (mainly cyst and possibly hormonal issues) and genetics that cause me to have Visceral fat. As i have been researching it i see how dangerous it is. One posts says that i should up my cardio and do HITT to help target this kind of fat. Along with drinking lots of water, eating less sodium. My question is how much more cardio should i be doing and is there anything else i should be doing? The pics below (some have already seen) show how my belly fat fluctuates. In the last pic im holding it in.



  • stef_e_b
    stef_e_b Posts: 593
    I don't think you can target where the fat comes off. Just keep sticking to good diet and exercise and you will become healthier.
  • Chipmunk222
    Chipmunk222 Posts: 240 Member
    I'd like an answer to this too.... I lost weight everywhere else, I look out of proportion, trimmer arms and legs with a fat belly and back.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,051 Member
    In a lot of people, it is the last to go. Keep losing, cut back on all added sugars, eventually you will look the way you want. There is still fat there, so it still looks that way.