Getting discouraged

I've been at this for a week now diet and exercising daily and I'm seeing NO results. I run 20 mins on a treadmill and do 20 mins of calisthenics, check out my dairy and tell me what I'm doing wrong.



  • Helenasnan
    Helenasnan Posts: 30 Member
    its only been 1 week, dont stop now! You have to be in it for the long run, to get healthy..there is no time limit...tell yourself you are making yourself healthier, NOT dieting (diets dont work) and be patient....all good things come to those who work hard and wait!
  • open your diary so we can see what you're eating. you're probably going to have to wait longer than a week.
    ZEESLIM Posts: 4 Member
    Well first things first you see yourself everyday so you are not going to SEE results in a week . It took time to put weight on so it takes longer to take it off . I can't see your diary unless I am your friend so I sent you a friend request . I used to weigh myself EVERYDAY and I found that to not be a good idea because you become very discouraged . You will start to see results if you are eating well and working out . Also your body also adapts to you doing the same workout day after day so change it up . Hope this helps !
  • reggie2run
    reggie2run Posts: 477 Member
    its only been 1 week, dont stop now! You have to be in it for the long run, to get healthy..there is no time limit...tell yourself you are making yourself healthier, NOT dieting (diets dont work) and be patient....all good things come to those who work hard and wait!

  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    1 week is not a long time.
  • Fred4point0
    Fred4point0 Posts: 160 Member
    You have not been on here long enough to quit. Suck it up and remember why you joined in the first place. YOU CAN DO THIS! :)
  • MSimm62385
    MSimm62385 Posts: 227
    Too many people fall off the wagon on a lifestyle change because they don't get instant gratification for doing so. Don't get discouraged.
  • Briaboo4
    Briaboo4 Posts: 1,080 Member
    When I started I actually gained during the first week but I started losing after that. Stick with it and make sure to measure yourself since the scale won't always be a good reflection of the changes your body is going through. Good luck!!
  • Frood42
    Frood42 Posts: 245 Member
    As you said "it's only been a week"... You need to give it more time, there are no shortcuts.
  • dbevisjr
    dbevisjr Posts: 183
    Hello Lauren, Your diary is currently private so we cannot see it. Also we don't know any of your details. It has been only a week so you need to give it more time to start working. If a person starts this program weighing 300 pounds and have 140 to lose they will be able to eat quite a bit and exercise a little and the pounds will drop off at a rapid rate. However if you are 130 and only have 10 or 15 pounds to drop you will have a more restrictive calorie limit and have to exercise like mad to drop a half pound. The closer you get/are to your ideal weight the harder the pounds are to lose. Be patient and give it some time. Also don't weigh very often. I only weigh in once a month. Most people weigh in weekly. If you weigh in daily you will drive yourself nuts because your weight will naturally fluctuate 2 or 3 pounds either direction on a daily basis.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    As has been said before, the only problem you have is impatience. If you want fast weight loss, try juicing, but best of luck keeping the weight off when you start eating again.
  • flyingpurplemonkey
    flyingpurplemonkey Posts: 105 Member
    What everyone else said-- it hasn't been long enough, and you have to give it some time.

    However, I will mention that you only mentioned a change in your exercise, nothing about your food. This suggests, at least to me (yes, I could be reading too much into this), that you are more focused more on changing your exercise and not your food. And your food diary is closed, so I can't see anything about how you are eating.

    The truth is that what and how much you eat is going to make way more of a difference than the exercise that you do. Exercise is important and I definitely encourage you to keep it up, but do not neglect the food aspect or you will see very slow, small progress, if any.

    Edit: I just saw that you did mention that you were dieting as well as exercising, so what I posted may not apply that much. oops. I should probably read more thoroughly Still, maybe it's something for you to keep in mind? Best of luck, and stay strong!
  • You have to have a calorie deficit to lose weight; you must burn more calories than you need. This is not as simple as you need 10,500 calories to maintain your weight, you ate 10,500 and did 3,500 in exercise for the week and will lose one pound because 3,500 calories equals one pound of fat.

    My most disappointing week (last week) was a calorie deficit of 4,745 which means I should have lost a little over 1 lb 5 oz, but I gained 2.2 lbs. I went back over my food for the week and determined that I had too many fats and sugars for the week. Too much salt will make you retain water and can show a weight gain. Consider having MFP show you fats, sugars, and salt in your diary. You can always click the orange button for the printable report and see all the nutrients.

    I have had two super weeks, the first two weeks where I greatly reduced my salt, sugar, and fat intake and lost 11 lbs for those two weeks. You need to know that for every pound you lose the next pound is a little harder to lose. When I first started, an hour of work in the pool was over 700 calories burned, but now an hour in the pool is 623 calories burned because of the weight that I have lost.

    This week I have a deficit of 7,909 and expect to lose over two pounds. I have kept my sugars at 70% for the week and had fat left over almost every day. My salt was slightly over.

    The truest measures of whether or not I am succeeding are body fat % and inches on the waist. The weight can stay the same and as long as I lose body fat and inches on the waist I will be happy. In just over a year, I have gone from 39% to 29% body fat and lost right at 9 inches off the waist. If your goal is to lose a lot of weight, then you have to be in this for the long haul and realize you will have some setbacks along the way. I got sick and gained back 15 lbs as well as 2 inches of waist. I didn't start using MFP until March 2012 and have been the most successful in all my years of trying to lose weight using MFP.