Eating with a run(:

Do you prefer to eat before or after your run?
What's your favorite/best thing to eat?
What should I eat?
How long before or after?


  • alliesamcat
    alliesamcat Posts: 7 Member
    I eat before, sometimes during, and after.

    I eat carbs and simple foods about an hour or two before my runs. Anything your body can digest easily is good. Depending on the length of your run, you may need to eat during (anything over 10 miles for me). In that case I consume gels or dried bananas. After I run I try to eat something high in protein to help the muscles recuperate. This is usually within 15 to 60 minutes afterwards.

    Hope this helps!
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member
    Carbohydrates will help you for longer (60 min or more) runs.

    Otherwise, it's really based off your tolerance and preference. Some people enjoy a cup of coffee for extra pep too. Gatorade is nice for during runs on a hot summer like this.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    If I'm running first thing in the morning I don't eat beforehand, but I make sure I ate all my calories the day before. If I need to eat beforehand I may eat a low-fiber carb-only snack about 1-2 hours before (I like cheerios or a piece of toast with jam) because it digests really easily and won't cause an upset stomach when I'm running.

    If I'm planning to run over 90 minutes, I take nutrition on the run with Honey Stingers Organic Energy Chews... I start with 2 chews about 40 minutes in and then 1 every 10-15 minutes after that.

    After I run I usually eat something with protein. If it was a morning run where I didn't eat beforehand, I'll eat a big protein breakfast with egg whites and toast after. If it was a shorter run or later in the day I'll maybe have a protein shake or some fruit and maybe some cheese. Some people swear by chocolate milk post-run. I've had it... can't say it's better than anything else that has carbs, fat and protein.
  • beccalucy
    beccalucy Posts: 250 Member
    alliesamcat got it perfectly.

    I experimented with pre run and found that white toast with jam works best for me, be aware high fibre foods may cause digestive issues. During, if a long run of over 10 miles, either jelly beans or nuts or dried food with squash that has a pinch of salt in. After depends but usually something high in protein.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    How long of a run?
  • virichi08
    virichi08 Posts: 465 Member
    It depends, early in the morning like at 5am, i diffinitly workout on an empty stomach and ill make something to eat as soon as i walk thru my door. so if it takes 5,10,15 minutes to cook then thats when i eat. lol
    on days when im in bed later like 7-10am i eat whatever i want (healthy and all) then work out after about an hour. I dnt eat anything specific, just my usual healthy foods.