Update: Had my wisdom teeth removed this morning, help!

_dreaface Posts: 41 Member
Hi everyone, I just wanted to update you. I went to the dentist this morning expecting to get my lower right wisdom tooth pulled. After the X-ray the doctor explained to me that my mouth was small and there was almost no room for my wisdom teeth and the fact they the top ones were out all the way and the bottom are impacted are causing pressure on my middle teeth(hence what I told you guys earlier about my four bottom middle teeth getting crooked. The X-ray also ended up showing that the roots in my bottom teeth are VERY thick. So we went for the top 2. He put that oozy stuff on the outside of my gum to numb it for the shot and I swallowed some of that, then he gave me the shot. The shot wasn't bad at all, but when my mouth went numb I honestly started freaking out. I was breathing heavily and shaking so bad. I thought I was having a panic attack >.< when he went for the tooth I started crying. Just the pulling didn't hurt but was THE WORST pressure I have ever experienced. It was way too much for me! I cried soooo bad. When he got my teeth out he showed me that my roots have little bumps on them which makes them harder to take out which is why I felt more extreme pressure than the average person. He told me for the bottom he will send me to a specialist because of the root situation I need to be put to sleep. The bad part about that is my stepmom told me that will cost $500-$1000 from my pocket(my insurance covered everything today by the way) Overall my experience was HORRIBLE. Maybe I did it to myself kinda cause I definatly freaked myself out.

He didn't even explain to me about dry socket but my co worker told me to change my cotton balls every 30 min. Thank you to the person who recommended I keep cotton balls in all day to prevent dry socket. What are other things I can do to make sure I don't get that?
I had my teeth pulled around 11:30 and it is now almost 4 and they are still bleeding heavily. Can anyone tell me how long this will last? Thank you guys!!!


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Oy! I was knocked out when they removed my wisdom teeth and the doc said I still fought him! I would have freaked out too if I was awake when they did it! I was so drugged I don't remember much! Hope you're feeling better soon.
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    The only ones I can remember are no drinking from a straw and when you brush, don't spit, just let the water fall out.
  • jamminjuliette
    jamminjuliette Posts: 2 Member
    Deff. no straws. If you're a smoker, staaay away from that. When I had my wisdom teeth removed, I bled a lot too, but after about 12 hours it stopped almost completely. I warn you though, the first 2 days aren't very painful, but the 3rd and 4th are.. Not to scare you, just to prepare you. Good luck!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Yikes. Stay away from orange juice! Mom gave me some after I got mine pulled and it stung like hell
  • Maybe he can put a stitch in them since he had to dig around in there to pull them out. Mine bled for 3 days because they didn't stitch it up. Had to be put under for the rest to be removed.
    Rinse your mouth out with warm salt water a few times a day.
    Stay away from hot liquids, no straws, keep your gum packed with cotton, and avoid chewing anything for a few days. Soft foods like pudding, mashed potatoes, etc, till the bleeding stops.
    Don't panic if it bleeds a bit after a few days, cause its gonna be raw for awhile. Also, be prepared for a bad taste in your mouth while it heals. I had the worst taste and nothing helped except waiting it out and lots of water.
  • avir8
    avir8 Posts: 671 Member
    You must see this it's hilarious:
    Unicorn after wisdom teeth hahaha
  • Here is an easy fix....worked for my dad when he had his teeth pulled:


    Oh man, hope you are of age. didn't catch the stepmom part.