Hi from NC

:smile: I just joined the site yesterday. It is great and the price is good too (lol). Need to lose weight for health reasons and to keep up with my kids. Looks like there is a lot of support on here, I'm going to need it.


  • joann
    joann Posts: 624 Member
    This is a great site with many helpful people. Good luck in your journey to a healthier you. Dont hesitate to ask for any help if you need it.
  • BossyGirl
    BossyGirl Posts: 173 Member
    I just started a new thread challenge. Its under "motivation and support" Its called "today is tomarrow" we weigh in every sunday. The goal is to lose a good amt of weight by xmas.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    Hello from NC, as well :happy:
    Welcome! You're going to love it here!:flowerforyou:
  • Phonzie
    Thanks to all for making me feel so welcome! :happy:
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Yes Welcome to MFP! Also from NC here! We love this site and the people that make it worth our time here!