1lb a day weight loss: Concepts that have helped me.

Some things this journey has taught me so far. 1. If I want to see good results on the scale every day or every week then I need to be "Good" (or better) every day and every week. 2. Never forget your goals. Before I do something or don't do something I ask myself, "Is this action/inaction consistant with accomplishing the goals I have set for myself?", 3. The goals have to be both short term and long term, I have daily exercise goals and daily calorie goals (which I will keep secret), I have daily weight loss goals (1lb) a day, I have weekly weight loss goals (7lbs a week) and weekly exercise goals (again secret), I have an over all goal of losing 50 lbs and I told myself that 50 lb loss would happen within either 60 days or 8 weeks, not sure exactlly on that one. I must take actions that are consistant with every one of my goals or I will fail to attain them. 4. Setting my goals very high has helped me too, if the goal was set too easy/low I'm sure I would not have strived so hard for excellance. Hope this food for though can cause you guys/and gals to develop more effective goals and attain them. Good luck fitness pals!

BTW, I've lost 43 lbs in 48 days so far...as you can see I have not met all my goals.