44 pounds in 108 days (with photos)

42 pounds loss not 44.

My journey began on April 15th 2012 at 232 pounds and BF of 35.2% and as of July 31st 2012 I achieved my goal of 190 pounds and BF of 24.6%. My waist when I started was 46” and currently it’s 37.750.” I’m 50 years old and I have not been in this good of shape since, forever. I eat what I want but only in moderation, however; most of my meals are better for me than not. I eat a lot of chicken, veggies, fruit and salads with fat fee dressing (boy how do I miss Ranch dressing).





This is what worked for me and may help you on your weight loss journey.

1st, find a few friends here at MFP that will help you stay motivated and have the updates sent to your phone. Without the friends I have here and receiving the “WTG!”, and “keep it going,” etc. on my phone, I know I would not have come as far and as fast as I did.

2nd, read at lease once a day, one weight loss success story. You will be amazed what people have accomplished here and what a boost it will be to your own success.

3rd, don’t have “cheat days.” Eat what you want as long as you say within your daily calorie goal; that said, you are better off eating healthier food. I stopped drinking soda with the exception of Dr. Pepper 10. I stopped drinking juice. I stopped eating potato chips and Doritos (I so miss you my good friends). No pre-packaged foods, all my meals are made at home. No fast foods. Most everyday I have some type of spinach salad. Almost everyday I have chicken. No more than once a week I have red meat or pork. My fish consumption went up and most was tuna and sardines. I eat a lot of homemade chicken soup. I eat a lot of yogurt and mozzarella sticks. I also make sure I always have food ready to eat in the fridge so I’m never tempted to eat out (this could have been its own number).

4th, don’t discount NSV’s. If your weight doesn’t change on your scale but your clothes fit better, or you go into a smaller size, or you no longer have joint pain trust me; it’s a BIG DEAL! Remember if you are exercising (and you should be) during this weight loss journey you will be adding muscle so the scale may not drop and could go up some.

5th, working out. You need to exercise. Period. When I started my cardio workout I needed a non-impact exercise on my knees. After 7 dislocations on the left knee and 6 dislocations on the right knee they are not in the best of shape. So running and even most walking is out of the question and I find bike riding a little boring to do alone. So I purchased an elliptical trainer. My first workout lasted 10 minutes and I may have gone a mile. I needed to take a pain reliever before I worked out just so I could do the 10 minutes. I now run 6 miles a day and most of that is under 36 minutes (6 minute miles) and I don’t use any pain medication. Yea!

6th, working out (yes, I know I listed this a second time). I also use a Bowflex to increase muscle mass. More muscle will burn more calories and in turn help get rid of the extra fat we are looking to lose.

7th, weighing yourself. I weigh myself everyday at the same time in the morning before I eat or drink anything. I feel this gives me my “real” weight. I do this because I want to ensure that I’m headed in the right direction. I know from the past if I don’t weigh myself everyday it’s too easy to get off course and gain weight. I’m never going back to that weight again I tell you, it’s not going to happen.

8th, this is not a diet. Diets don’t work. If you are going to lose weight you have to eat at a calorie deficit, eat better food and exercise. Eat less workout more. Nuff said.

9th, how much weight too lose each week. When I started I had set my goal at 2 pounds a week and I was always hungry. I waited a few weeks and the hunger pangs continued so I adjusted my goal to 1.5 pounds a week and with the increased calories most of the time I felt full. This was better for me. I will now adjust my calorie to maintain my weight.

10th, don’t give up. A year from now the time will have past. You can stay as you are and do nothing, or you can do a little, or you can do a lot. 2 pounds a week in a year will be 104 pounds loss, 1.5 pounds a week will be 78 pounds loss, 1 pound a week will be 52 pounds loss and .5 pounds a week will be 25 pounds loss. Any of these numbers should make you proud if you lose them, and imagine how much better will you feel and look?

Being overweight is hard.
Losing weight is hard.
Maintaining weight is hard.
Chooses your hard.


  • cathiaflock
    cathiaflock Posts: 112 Member
    Oh wow you look great! Congratulations!!!:drinker:
  • Awesome!!! Congrats!!!

    I love what you said about diets not working. I am working on a lifestyle change, NOT a diet! Way to go!!!
  • gcanter
    gcanter Posts: 194 Member
    Good job!
  • momof4ts
    momof4ts Posts: 118
    You look terrific! Thanks for sharing your success and how you got there! BRAVO :happy:
  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    Amazing and motivating. Thank you for sharing!
  • nabak147112
    nabak147112 Posts: 105 Member
    great job!
  • Wow....Thanks for the post. I need to hear success stories like yours!!!! Congratulations!!!!
  • Krista_1
    Krista_1 Posts: 50 Member
    That rocks! Way to go! Thanks for the motivational tips, especially about clothes fitting better; vs. what scale says- that's where I am at!
  • ambitious01
    ambitious01 Posts: 209 Member
    What a transformation!! You look great :drinker:
  • deanotoot
    deanotoot Posts: 28 Member
    Dang....that is great!
  • casperuk
    casperuk Posts: 195 Member
    You sound like me. About the same loss and everything. Same method. Same outlook. I put it all down in my blog a while ago and its like reading that haha.

    Well done and good luck for the future.
  • Beaniekins
    Beaniekins Posts: 4 Member
    I really love your suggestion to read a success story every day! I'm definitely going to incorporate that into my routine! Congrats on all your success!
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    Really amazing, I love the picture of your old belt. Great little ditty you wrote as well!
  • pbajwally
    pbajwally Posts: 210 Member
    Congratulations on your amazing accomplishment!! Thanks for sharing your tips, also. I love reading about what worked for each success story.
  • laurenellenmarie
    laurenellenmarie Posts: 331 Member
    This was such a wonderful success story, thank you!
    You look great!!
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    This inspired me!
  • Lee716
    Lee716 Posts: 150 Member
    Great job with your success! Thank you for sharing the information as well. Very beneficial and always a welcome reminder.
  • grniys
    grniys Posts: 29 Member
    Conratulations on your success. It's very motivating!
  • You look about 30 now! Way to go!
  • misty0413
    misty0413 Posts: 212
    love the tips. so glad someone else finally said no cheat days. I do not have them . I didn't even eat cake on my birthday. I have had alcohol twice. once a month I will have pizza but one slice sometimes 2 with a salad. I rarely comment on anyones diary because they well don't eat like me and they get mad when they don't lose. Hate the eat in moderation
    can't do that either thats how I got overweight. I feel like when I hit my goal then I can have an oreo or a candybar or whatever. not now I am serious that is how you reached your goal. I have to add you as a friend. great job!!!
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