New to weight loss/confused!



  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    This is really going to contradict my previous posts about the eggos and cereal but because I am pre-diabetic I can't have fruit in the morning! Luckily I had the carbs towards the end of my day because I would have been sick if I would have cheated earlier! I miss fruits in the morning though, I used to love fruits with my oatmeal or bagel.

    check with your dietician, but you might be able to have berries in the morning as long as you have protein too. I am eating lower carb ( about 100g net per day) and I have to have like 12 net carbs in the morning, or I cannot work out without getting dizzy and shaky. My normal breakfast is 2 scrambled eggs, 2 strips of soy bacon...lately I have been adding up to 1cup of full fat cottage cheese and sometimes up to 1 cup of blackberries. usually about 350 calories, 19 carbs, 7-9g fiber. Occasionally I will have my eggs/bacon in a high fiber/low carb tortilla. It holds me from 7ish to around noon...