Finally ready to lose!

Hi! I just found this MFP in June but vacation set me back, so I'm still learning the ropes. I have finally made the decision to lose this extra weight. I am a stay at home mom of a wonderful one-year old girl. Unfortunately, I can't exercise other than walking at this time and I'm finding it's harder to drop the weight. I have 30 lbs. to lose and I'm finally ready to put in the hard work and dedication. This journey is not just to lose the weight, but to change my lifestyle and eating habits. Looking for friends to encourage me! Thanks for reading and good luck in this incredible journey.


  • Hi, I signed up a while ago, but have done nothing here. I have now decided to give this site a try and need a major dose of motivation. Any advice would be appreciated.
    I just turned 51 in June and have made up my mind that I want to get healthier and lose the weight. I have 80 pounds to lose. I am not the healthiest of eaters, very picky actually and not a big vegetable eater. Any advice to make veggies taste better would be welcome. My down fall is chocolate.
    I lost my youngest son 4 years ago and have used his loss as an excuse. It is time to stop making excuses and take care of me. I welcome friends and advice and especially lots of encouragement.