Alaska airlines disabled passenger drama

sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
Have you guys heard about this? I think it's absolutely disgusting. I was going to copy and paste the entire story but I know how some of you guys on here refuse to read more than a paragraph LOL Basically, a man in Oregon named Cameron witnessed Alaska Airlines staff refuse to give special treatment to a man with late stage parkinsons and his companion who had MS. Cameron tried to get the staff to help the couple but they refused and watched as they struggled to walk without offering them a wheelchair or asking them if they needed any assistance. Cameron asked for a manager and the manager told him that "laws don't allow alaska airlines to provide anyone, for any reason "special treatments." Turns out that the man with parkinson's was trying to get to see his daughter and it was his only chance to see her. He ended up missing his flight :( Of course Cameron turned to facebook and told his story and now it's been shared thousands of times. I was disgusted by the story but I feel that an entire company's reputation shouldn't be ruined by a few bad employees. I went to Alaska Airlines facebook page to see if they had released a statement about the situation as the story is getting passed around quite a bit. The company has released a statement...a statement defending their employee's decision and accusing an elderly, disabled man of being inebriated. LOL Who is running their public relations? A monkey? Thoughts?


  • stagknight
    stagknight Posts: 130 Member
    Inebriated is the most widely used excuse for people in authority who just don't want to help.
    When I was 17 I broke my ankle quite badly, I tried to get to a friends house but passed out on the platform of our urban railway.
    I woke up to a station attendant kicking me in the ribs and telling me he didn't want drunks in his station.
    When I told him I thought my ankle was broken he said it was my own fault for being drunk.
    You can't win.