Turbo Fire vs Jillians Body Revolution??

Hi! Im just looking for feedback. Im trying to decide which program to do next. Im a runner and would still like to be able to incorporate that but want to take my fitness to the next level. Im about to finish P90x so Im trying to decide which program to do. I appreciate any feedback or advice. Thanks in advance! :)


  • ErnieVandy
    ErnieVandy Posts: 31 Member
    What did you decide on this? I'm in the same situation right now. I can't believe you did P90x first. I would have thought that was harder than these 2. I would love to finish one of these programs and eventually move to P90x. Tell me how you did it. :)
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I didnt like Turbofire. I like her in Chalean Extreme but for me it's just too repetitive.

    Also wasnt keen on Body Revolution. I didn't like the balancing stuff. Just bought ship hop abs which for me is correct balance of not being too dancer but also not boring. Only done one workout but not sure if it will be too easy though. Looked at insanity but too tough on my knees. Still looking for the ideal cardio programme to go with Chalean Extreme