Did I injure myself?

Yesterday I did the 30DS level 1 (day 7) with 5 lb weights. Previously, I had been doing it with cans from the pantry. I felt okay yesterday after the workout, but figured I would be sore today. I sleep with my arms folded and when my baby woke in the middle of the night to eat, I hopped out of bed and straightened my arm pretty quickly before I noticed it was tight and sore. Now this morning it hurts pretty bad to straighten my arm. It's not the whole bicep, it's localized just above my elbow, but definitely on the bicep side. My other arm is sore too but not this bad. Stretching it out doesn't seem to be helping.

Is this typical soreness I can push through, or do I need to take it easy (like go back to no weights or just cans for the bicep curls)? I don't intend to stop progress altogether, I'd rather modify if I need to.


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Injure is probably to strong a word, but you definitely overdid it. If I had to guess, it's the arm that you usually use to hold the baby, right? If your baby is anything like mine, he/she wants to be held by Momma pretty much 24/7. Holding the baby all day would be an isometric exercise you're doing in addition to the 30DS. Just rest it for a few days, and ice and ibuprofen wouldn't be a bad idea either. It should be better next time out because it will adapt to the load pretty quickly. Try to use your other arm with the baby if you can.

    By the way, the fact that you can hold a baby all day and night is real world proof that women should be using waaaay more than 5 lb weights. Unless you have a tiny, tiny baby, you're wielding double that amount all day, every day.
  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    Thanks! After dealing with it all day, I agree I don't think it's injured. Strangely enough, it's the opposite arm than the one I hold my baby with, although that one hurts also. I was surprised that I overdid it with 5lb weights because I lift my ~16lb baby and hold her a lot, and I lift my 40 lb 3 yr old and hold her easily as well.

    Thanks for the advice, I'll take it easy for a couple of days and go weightless during my exercise, then ease back into it.