BMR and do you use that information?

I've been reading a lot about TDEE and BMR. I found a calculator that said my TDEE is between 1888 - 2128 (most weeks 2128 due to moderate exercise). My BMR is 1373. What do I DO with that information? Have no clue. PLEASE HELP!!!:blushing:


  • Krystal7786
    Krystal7786 Posts: 103 Member
    bump to follow!
  • foodie99
    foodie99 Posts: 92
    There is a great thread about TDEE here

    What I haven't found yet, is if you are tracking food on TDEE, do you eat back your exercise calories? I assume not since they are already factored into the TDEE rate.

    I'm thinking about switching to TDEE because some days I cannot stay under the MFP number, but I am losing weight with MFP's current setting so I am afraid to mess with it.
  • Wuggums
    Wuggums Posts: 339 Member
    In a (very brief) nutshell - I eat my TDEE less about 500 calories and I only eat back *some* of my exercise calories if I am netting below my BMR. So, given your example - if your TDEE is about 2100 calories, if it were me, I'd eat about 1600 calories per day (total - not eating back exercise calories), but I would make sure that I never netted below 1373. So, let's say you have a really big workout and you burned 1000 calories. If you only ate 1600 calories and you burned 1000, you would only be netting 600 calories. In that situation, I would eat back *some* of those exercise calories to get my net back up to around 1373. Clear as mud, right?!

    Take a look at the "Eat More to Weigh Less" group - there are some very educational threads on there that explain it quite well! Bottom line - do what works for you. Some people do very well on this plan, others do better sticking to the straight numbers and eating back exercise calories that MFP sets for you.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Eat between those 2 numbers to lose weight.
    There is a great thread about TDEE here

    What I haven't found yet, is if you are tracking food on TDEE, do you eat back your exercise calories? I assume not since they are already factored into the TDEE rate.

    I'm thinking about switching to TDEE because some days I cannot stay under the MFP number, but I am losing weight with MFP's current setting so I am afraid to mess with it.
    ^This link

    MFP had me at glad I switched to netting 1700.

    If you are tracking food on your sedentary tdee, yes, eat back exercise calories (this is what I do since my EE isn't fixed at all and varies allot). If you're including those exercise calories in your tdee then no, you do not eat them twice.
  • beachy102
    beachy102 Posts: 8 Member
    GREAT article suggestion, really informative thanks!
  • beachy102
    beachy102 Posts: 8 Member
    There is a great thread about TDEE here

    What I haven't found yet, is if you are tracking food on TDEE, do you eat back your exercise calories? I assume not since they are already factored into the TDEE rate.

    I'm thinking about switching to TDEE because some days I cannot stay under the MFP number, but I am losing weight with MFP's current setting so I am afraid to mess with it.

    Wonderful article thanks!