Cutting out the fizzy stuff

Well, 5 days ago, with some persuasion from my mum, who is worried what my fizzy drink consumption is doing to my teeth, I decided that was it. No more fizzy drinks, except for carbonated flavoured waters.

I'm still going strong, I am aiming to get rid of the fizzy water when my current supply is gone (at the rate I'm going, probably about a week) and I feel so much better for it, sleeping better, not feeling bloated, it's just awesome. And I bet my teeth will thank me in the long run.

I've yet to see a difference on the scale, but I've had a couple of bad food days, so I'm giving it a little more time.

Has anyone else done this? Did it help your weight loss?


  • LOL we call it soda or pop when we are talking about cola which I'm sure you're talking about the same thing. It is a major problem here in the USA. I believe this has led to much of America's obesity problem. A person who drinks 1 -20oz
    Coca Cola a day (230 calories), on top of their normal calorie consumption, will take in 83,950 extra calories a year! This is equivalent to about 24 lbs a year of fat gain! So that is the problem with the caloric intake of soda....
    Now, throw in the amount of sugars that are in have a 100% garbage drink with no nutritional value which will take you on your way to overweight, rotten teeth, and diabetes very quickly.

    It is the devil. Of course everything is ok in moderation but soda should not be an everyday indulgence!
    I myself cut it out completely because I eliminated caffeine fromy diet quite a while ago.

    You are making a great choice to cut it out! Keep it up! :-)
  • amateurdude
    amateurdude Posts: 44 Member
    Oh but they are nice.
  • As someone said above, that's empty calories, and most people drink more than one soda a day. That's like almost half a days calories for me. I feel sooo much better not drinking any sodas!!! Much better. Keep up the good work! :)