Social Workers Remove Newborn from Obese Mom



  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    MPF - striking a blow for Fascism, the world over!!!

  • mrd232
    mrd232 Posts: 331
    Well I suppose if we really wanted to destroy fascism, we could...

    1. Legalize prostitution
    2. Legalize drugs
    3. Eliminate social services
    4. Eliminate subsidies
    5. Toss the USDA...

    You, drugs, rock 'n roll, and rampant capitalism that would make Friedman proud.

    One person may disagree about kids being removed from parents. I disagree about the government mandating "healthy eating" plans in schools. Who's right and who's wrong?
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I say let the government run the government, let the parents run their families! We're their boss, they're not our boss!
  • thecowgirl72
    thecowgirl72 Posts: 16 Member
    I completely agree w/ you/. Where will they all go from here? My mom is heavy and so am I and my sister. Of course, dad is the skinny one. I wish I could have followed in his steps. Well, there is lots o' time left!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    My daughter has this gorgeous little friend, she's 14, and her mother has let her balloon to well over 200 pounds. I've seen the mom in action giving in to her daughter from the time she was a baby so she wouldn't be "difficult" and cry for cookies and chips. The mother's not even that large of a woman. I, on the other hand, have weighed around 300 pounds for most of my daughter's life, raised her alone, and have managed to keep her weight in a good range. She would stuff herself every day if I let her, but I'm always there...which may drive her crazy, but she also thanks me for not letting her become obese, because she sees how easily it could happen.

    It's a real struggle when you have a child that loves to eat...and eat lots, but you have to be the bad guy and say no- often. Sure, it's more fun to see our children smiling as they dunk their cookies into chocolate milk, but it's not fun to see a child come home from school crying because she was called fat. I lived that, and it wasn't a fun life. I would have much preferred my mother tell me no to the cookies and chocolate bars and chips and everything else so I would have had a better childhood/ teenage years, and a much better school experience- not to mention a better life since then.

    Sometimes I think a fat mother makes the BEST mother because we know the struggles of life as a fat person, but we have to be willing to monitor our kids and say no even though it's not always the easiest way of doing things.
  • amandadaisylotus
    Okay so I've seen a lot of people on here arguing their sides with the "I'm fat and I have kids so should I get them taken away from me" arguments. You all either have children or had a parent who was obese and are outraged at this.

    I was a kid who was shuffled in and out and in and out of foster care here in the states. For good, real reasons. I know what it's like to be taken from your mother. I know what it's like to watch a parent figure crying in the street watching the car you're in drive away.

    At the same time, I know that each and every time I was taken away it was for the best. I'm not saying it didn't really mess me up, I'm not saying I don't need therapy. But there are times that the state needs to step in for one reason or another. From reading ALL of the posts here and the story I agree that the children should have been removed. The parents were warned and they did not cooperate. They did not do what was needed for their children's health. If this story was about a couple with a child who needed medicine, and were refusing to get it for them despite being given all the financial assistance they needed, we'd be waving our protesting signs and ranting that they don't deserve to have their children if they won't do everything EVERYTHING in their power to make sure that the child can live a happy HEALTHY life.

    Also, my weight problem started when I was 10 years old. I became obese at 10 years old because of who I was living with. Because she was feeding me super sized value meals and if I didn't eat more than two plates of food at the all you can eat buffet, I got in trouble and yelled at that I wasn't getting their money's worth.

    At the same time her boyfriend was emotionally abusing me about my weight, causing me to become more depressed and binge eat when no one was home to watch me. I weighed 245 pounds at 14 years old, at 5'2".

    Eventually I was taken away from them because the emotional abuse didn't stop there.

    But I've been struggling with my weight ever since, and it's taken a hell of a lot more adjusting to get myself ready to lose weight than it has understanding that sometimes Mommies and Daddies don't know what to do I can't stay with them anymore.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Okay so I've seen a lot of people on here arguing their sides with the "I'm fat and I have kids so should I get them taken away from me" arguments. You all either have children or had a parent who was obese and are outraged at this.

    I was a kid who was shuffled in and out and in and out of foster care here in the states. For good, real reasons. I know what it's like to be taken from your mother. I know what it's like to watch a parent figure crying in the street watching the car you're in drive away.

    At the same time, I know that each and every time I was taken away it was for the best. I'm not saying it didn't really mess me up, I'm not saying I don't need therapy. But there are times that the state needs to step in for one reason or another. From reading ALL of the posts here and the story I agree that the children should have been removed. The parents were warned and they did not cooperate. They did not do what was needed for their children's health. If this story was about a couple with a child who needed medicine, and were refusing to get it for them despite being given all the financial assistance they needed, we'd be waving our protesting signs and ranting that they don't deserve to have their children if they won't do everything EVERYTHING in their power to make sure that the child can live a happy HEALTHY life.

    Also, my weight problem started when I was 10 years old. I became obese at 10 years old because of who I was living with. Because she was feeding me super sized value meals and if I didn't eat more than two plates of food at the all you can eat buffet, I got in trouble and yelled at that I wasn't getting their money's worth.

    At the same time her boyfriend was emotionally abusing me about my weight, causing me to become more depressed and binge eat when no one was home to watch me. I weighed 245 pounds at 14 years old, at 5'2".

    Eventually I was taken away from them because the emotional abuse didn't stop there.

    But I've been struggling with my weight ever since, and it's taken a hell of a lot more adjusting to get myself ready to lose weight than it has understanding that sometimes Mommies and Daddies don't know what to do I can't stay with them anymore.

    :brokenheart: Thank you for the child's point of view. I am sorry you have endured this struggle in your life. You are an intelligent, fun young lady and I enjoy your posts.
    WOOT on the 35 pounds!!:flowerforyou:
  • happylittlebird
    I do think it is child abuse to overfeed a child to the point of extreme obesity, but lacking other factors of abuse, it seems unbelievably cruel to remove a newborn from a mother or children from their mother.