Need advice!!

Hey everyone,

I've been on MFP for 35 days and lost 14 lbs but I havent been able to lose any more, :( I am eating the suggested 1200 cals a day, plus exercising 60 mins a day. What am I doing wrong?

I'm 5'5 and weigh 203 lbs now. I originally weighed 217.

Valerie =)


  • charlena48
    charlena48 Posts: 192 Member
    14 lbs. in a month is great! Try mixing it up. Do you eat 3 meals and several snacks a day? I eat 6 times a day. Feel free to add me as a friend. I don't diet. I eat healthy and exercise. It has taken me 7 months to lose right at 20 lbs. I know it is a slow process, but slower is better. I have just embraced a healthy lifestyle. Good luck!:smile: