sahm 10/25--nov 1

hi gals! this is the thread for this last week in october. jump in anytime.
introduce yourself, share your goals for the day/week, what's stumpin' you?, what's the best thing you've learned,what's your fave color? whatever!

we're an open, fun, supportive group!

and for those of us who have been eating CRAP for many days is different. eachmealis a chance to make a good for us choice!

my breakfast was good. drinkin the water and did abripperx. now to do some leslie sansone walking.

talk to us... :flowerforyou:


  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Good morning everyone! I hope all is well! I sure hope Lettuce and her family are ok! I did have a rough friday night and Saturday with the eating, but I was good yesterday and so far today!:tongue: I did pilates first thing this morning. Ahhhh....Mondays! It's alwyas tough to get out of bed!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    yay nicolee--and did your ticker just move down?! congrats!! gotta shower--:flowerforyou:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Yeah!!!!!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: My ticker did move down one pound!!!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Thanks for noticing Stacey!!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Hello! I've been busy this weekend with my parents in town. As a result, I didn't do well with eating, exercising, or water. They left around 3:30 this afternoon. I'm sure I haven't lost any weight this weekend. Oh well, I'll get back into it this week! Just in time for Halloween and the candy! :grumble:

    Lettuce - how is your family? We miss you. I hope everything is OK!!!

    My son has been taking piano lessons for the past year. With my parents here, he played the prelude (piano duet w/ his teacher) at the beginning of church yesterday. He was just fine until he started seeing people walk in to the sanctuary. I could tell he was then getting nervous. He didn't do quite as well as he did practicing earlier that morning, but he did great. The best part was seeing the smile on his face when everyone clapped for him! :happy: I'm a proud mommy!

    I hope everyone has a great night!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Nicole, great job on the weight loss!!! :flowerforyou:
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    Yeah!!!!!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: My ticker did move down one pound!!!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Thanks for noticing Stacey!!

    CONGRATS :flowerforyou: I didn't notice it right away until someone else pointed it out, I get a little mixed up sometimes after its moved. Then I second guess myself if it actaully had, or if I wasn't paying enough attention :laugh:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Thanks everyone! I am fortunate that my kids are older than the halloween stage! So no halloween candy in my house this year! WHEW!!!:huh: ! Good luck to everyone that has that burden!:flowerforyou:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    I'm a proud mommy!

    that's wonderful!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    we won't have h-ween candy here! we're going out of town, so i said not to bother. if dh wants to buy some after we leave and put it outside,fine.
    as for the candy they collect...well, i'll have to figure that out. i've gained a few pounds since coming back from chgo, so i'd be disappointed in myself if i ate more garbage...

    i'm not posting my new higher wt unless it's still there tomorrow. i'm gonna do cardio today and drink lots of water.

    amy, nice to see you back up here.
    and lettuce, hope to hear from you soon!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Thanks Nicole! I'm going to need that luck! :smile: I am a chocoholic. I have a 7 yr old and a 5 1/2 yr old, so we're definitely still doing trick-or-treating this year. Problem is, they get so much candy.

    Well I gained almost a pound last week. I'm not surprised with my parents here and a workshop on Saturday with lots of snacks. I've got to start doing better. I get motivated, I do well for a week, and then something happens to that motivation. The desire to lose weight and look and feel better is still there, but the motivation to do something about it is lacking. Although, for those of us who don't cook much, let's face it . . . it's much easier to order pizza than to even put together a nice salad.

    With the holidays and cold weather coming, I need to get that motivation back soon. I refuse to go buy new pants that fit unless they're smaller! :wink:
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    We went ahead and bought our Halloween candy a couple weeks ago. I had dh put it up in the cabinet above the fridge. At 5'1'", I have problems reaching that! :laugh:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    amy--after they go to bed that h-ween night--THROW OUT 1/3 of their loot. they're young enuf they won't even notice.

    then maybe put in a final deadline--like the Sun before t-giving, ALL the candy is getting tossed. then you don't have it lingering around--calling to you amy, amy, eat me, i'm all melty and gooey and yummy, eat this chocolate...:tongue:

    as for motivation--log here all the time. or let's help you set mini goals for the week. and then the next and the next. go to's an article from the mag abt using your particular "carrot" to get you motivated and stay that way. like--are you a goal-oriented person? a grouper? like a challenge? vain? whatever it is, there's a way to make that work for you.

    my strongest motiv were the reunions and seeing family i had not seen in over 3 yrs. BUT now that it's over, i need to re-direct that vanity tendency to something else. or find another thing that lights the fire. make sense??

    amy, we want you to succeed! you don't want it to be jan 1 and you've walked all those miles for nothing! i'm also not a big cooker, so i'm happy to help you there too.
    post here or pm me or talk to me on fb.
    mtn girl--we're in this together! :heart:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hello ladies! boy oh boy...I am sleepy today! Having trouble getting my butt going today!

    H-ween candy- I don't know if this will work with your kids because they are still pretty young, but...we used to go through the candy with the kids that night when we were done trick or treating with them. They could pick out so many pieces of candy that they wanted and the rest we were donating to the kids who couldn't go trick or treating. I never did find a place that we could take that to could go to the cancer ward in the hospital or something. I took it to work with me and gave it to people there. That way, it wasn't in the house and it wasn't eaten by me and it wasn't wasted!
    Does that sound mean?

    BTW....what does DH stand for?
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    nicolee--not mean at all. we have done that too.

    dh=dear husband
    dd=dear daughter
    etc etc
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    as for motivation--log here all the time. or let's help you set mini goals for the week. and then the next and the next. go to's an article from the mag abt using your particular "carrot" to get you motivated and stay that way. like--are you a goal-oriented person? a grouper? like a challenge? vain? whatever it is, there's a way to make that work for you.

    my strongest motiv were the reunions and seeing family i had not seen in over 3 yrs. BUT now that it's over, i need to re-direct that vanity tendency to something else. or find another thing that lights the fire. make sense??

    amy, we want you to succeed! you don't want it to be jan 1 and you've walked all those miles for nothing! i'm also not a big cooker, so i'm happy to help you there too.
    post here or pm me or talk to me on fb.
    mtn girl--we're in this together! :heart:

    Stacey, thank you. I will probably be on the computer more often during this time for motivation, support, and to keep away from the food. I tend not to eat as much while on the computer because dh has stressed being careful eating near the keyboard (might also explain my "s" key problems! :laugh: )

    And if you have any suggestions for healthy, quick, easy meals for someone who doesn't like to cook, I'd love to hear them.

  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Hello ladies. It snowed last night. I'm worried I won't get my walk in. Any suggestions for working out at home?
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member

    And if you have any suggestions for healthy, quick, easy meals for someone who doesn't like to cook, I'd love to hear them.


    Sorry for double post, but wanted to make some suggestions for you. Right now I'm plum crazy for stir fry. It only has a handful of ingredients and takes maybe 20 mins to make.
    1 lb chicken breast
    1 bag frozen stir fry veggies
    1 jar la choy duck sauce (or plum sauce)
    1 cup rice
    1 cup la choy crunchy chow mein noodles

    chop up chicken breast & saute in oil of your choice. Add stir fry veggies, cook through. Toss with la choy sauce. Cook rice. Serve chicken & veggies over rice. Top with the crunchy chow mein.

    Veggie chili: (this one is just a lot of chopping, but totally worth it)
    rainbow bell peppers (1 ea. red, orange, yellow, green)
    1 zucchini
    1 yellow squash
    4 potatoes
    1 can kidney beans
    1 can corn
    1 can diced tomatoes (they make different flavored ones, so that's fun)
    1 can spaghetti sauce

    Bring large of water to boil. Meanwhile chop/dice/cube/slice potatoes, squash, zucchini, and bell peppers. Throw in pot, add kidney beans. Allow to boil until potatoes are soft. Drain, return to pot. Add corn, diced tomatoes, and sauce, cook until warm. Top with cheddar, sour cream, salsa, and all your favorite chili fixins. Serve with tortilla chips or corn bread. Browned, drained ground beef may be added to recipe if desired.

    I don't like cooking either. For dinner it's usually something that takes less than 30 mins-- hamburger helper is a favorite, and we often add veggies to it. Tonight we're having ground hamburg, rice, peas, all mixed with cream of mushroom soup. Yum!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Good Morning everyone!

    Amy -I think the easiest thing to do for dinner is to use my crockpot! I love may take a small amount of prep in the morning, but at dinnertime....nothing but serviing it. I love to make soups in the crockpot and just let them cook all day. I cook for a family of 4 and my kids are 16 and 13 so they eat more than my husband and I. So keep that in mind when I tell you the quantities. You could always have a bunch as leftovers too! I also mostly eyeball this, but I am trying to give you some quantities to work with.

    2- 32oz boxes of low sodium chicken broth
    2 1//2 cups frozen mixed veggies(ie. corn, green beans, carrots, peas or whatever you have in your freezer)
    2 -15 1/ oz cans of black beans rinsed and drained
    1- 32oz can of no salt added diced tomatoes-do not drain
    2 cloves of garlic chopped
    2 bay leaves
    2 tsp oregano ( I completely guess with the oregano and basil)
    2 tsp basil
    salt and pepper to taste

    Add all together and cook on low all day. 10 minutes before you serve, add 1 cup of noodles into the crockpot. Then serve. we sometimes put shredded cheese on the top.
    I hope that makes sense!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Nicole & drborkbork - those sound like yummy meals. I completely forgot about my crockpot! Nicole, thank you for reminding me! :happy:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: