New to this community thing! Hi :)

Hey there!

I've had the MFP app on my phone for a while now, and used it sporadically, but since I'm taking my fitness and health seriously now I've decided to make a few friends around here!

I'm 24, last time I checked I had about 20kg's to lose, though I'm not sure what I weigh now as I stopped weighing myself a few months back. Letting go of the compulsion to weigh myself has been so helpful, and has kept me from bingeing as badly as before. Right now I don't have a goal weight, I'd just like to be around a size 6 and feel strong and healthy. I'm a size 16 now.

I also joined a roller derby league a few months back and that's when the positive changes really started, I began learning that my body is capable of so much more than I gave it credit for. Before, losing weight was all about vanity and trying to change my body because I didn't like it. Now, I LOVE my body so much I want to make it even better! The more I work out and eat right, the more alive I feel, and I want to keep that momentum rolling!

Eating right has been a challenge since I'm an emotional eater, but now I'm approaching it with a better attitude and I'm always looking to learn something new. I'm focusing less on calories (though of course, the MFP app helps to keep me in check with portion control!) and more on eating whole, healthy foods and recognizing my fullness cues.

Weirdly enough, I credit my new obsession with Pinterest with part of this new change! There is so much great health and fitness advice and motivation on there. I've started a board ironically titled "Pinning burns calories" ;) check it out, this is where I collect little things that teach and motivate me

So I'd like to connect with others like me, who are trying to live their life to the fullest and treat themselves right without obsessing over how they look in jeans ;) it's always nice to have support and it'll be cool to make some new friends who have similar goals.
