Need advice; considering breaking diet for a day



  • quietstormz_wehcnage
    Please go and enjoy yourself ,tomorrow is another day!!! or you can share your stuff with someone,maybe? By all means just live a little!!!:glasses:
  • cortezpj
    cortezpj Posts: 129 Member
    I agree with all the comments about giving yourself a break, enjoying life, not letting your diet control you, etc. But the fact of the matter is that no one's going to force you to eat funnel cakes or deep fried twinkies or cotton candy or whatever else you typically find at county fairs. I'm all for indulging a little here and there and sampling decadent treats that your family might buy. But let's be honest, you don't have to gorge yourself on everything you see. Drink plenty of water, eat in moderation and get right back on track once the county fair is behind you.

    Most importantly, though, enjoy yourself and enjoy the time you spend with your family !
  • mizamypowers
    That will be me on Friday! I must have cheese curds and Tom Thumb donuts. About 2000 calories for the 2 items if I ate the full orders. I plan to enjoy every bite and stop when I am satisfied!! I will be good this week and try to add in more walking before I head to the fair.

    Enjoy the fair!!
  • dianaconqueso
    -Can a day of ignoring my diet cause anything particularly bad to happen?

    No, you might notice it in your workout the next day or feel weird, though, if you've been eating really healthy for a while.

    -Would additional exercise reduce or even nullify the effect of "going crazy" for one day?

    Maybe, but if you'll be walking around all day I wouldn't do anything EXTRA. One thing you could do if you're really worried is try to eat 100 calories less every day or something, it's weekly numbers that really matter. Try to keep your average calorie intake for the week normal.

    -Should I expect to have gained weight when I weigh myself next Sunday? (My weigh-in day every week)

    Probably not, if you've been eating at a deficit for a while, you might just MAINTAIN, but I don't think you'd actually gain. And if you did, you seem pretty motivated, you'll probably just lose it again the next week.

    -Is there anything I ought to know that I haven't asked about?

    Don't worry, just make sure to log what you eat honestly, and don't fall off the wagon. (: Have fun with your family.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    unless you're in ketosis, nothing bad will happen.

    cheat, enjoy your food, and move on.
  • DonnieBailey
    Personally I think with your trying your best to eat the best choices that you'll have will get you by and shake it off and start again the next day.
  • tamimac12
    How funny!! I just posted on here that we decided to have a "cheat" day lol I personally think once in a while is ok... just be prepared to feel queesy from all the grease!
  • tlo23
    tlo23 Posts: 68
    You should have a treat meal/snack at least once a week. No sweat! Life is too short. Enjoy the day!!
  • shannie74
    I just graduated medical school (I'm a CMA) and we learned that you HAVE to have a day of cheating to stay on target... just follow things the other days and you'll be fine... you'll get plenty of cardio walking around and such that nothing bad will happen... enjoy yourself with your family and friends for the day! HAVE FUN AND GOD BLESS!
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    just don't pig out, and a little extra exercise never hurts. also, drink plenty of water, most of the food you get is probably going to be salty!
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    You didn't wake up yesterday...dear I one day of calorie overload isn't going to kill your plan. Look for items that are less in fat, like a grilled pork chop sandwich, pickles on sticks, some have veggie stir-fries, and if nothing else do lots of walking and burn some extra calories off. Good luck and enjoy your day.
  • auntiemsgr8
    auntiemsgr8 Posts: 483 Member
    So most of what I would say has been said. Have a good breakfast and go light the rest of the day on the healthier options. I do not know what an 'elephant ear' is and had never thought about eating a Bic mac with no meat but thats what this is for. To learn from others.

    Drink plenty of water. If you can bring in your own empty water bottle and refill throughout the day that would be great. I would also share the bad stuff with other members of your famility so you are not eating an entire portion (whihc is probably at least two portions) on your own.

    Don't stress about it and don't weigh in until your scheduled day so you do not upset yourself if you see the scale up a bit for a day or two. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Just do so in moderation.
  • Crashadog
    Crashadog Posts: 2 Member
    I am absolutely overwhelmed by your support! Thank you so much, all of you, for responding to my post =) I feel like tomorrow will be a MUCH better day for me now.

    And to 1sxyogre, who said:
    -snip- today is my birthday and I am taking the day to do what I want. Not as if I do it every day! -snip-

    Happy birthday =)
  • Zalli
    Zalli Posts: 132 Member
    And you never know, there might be a booth with something that could qualify as a healthier choice.

    Our town has a festival on t the moment and there's one place with BBQ veggie skewers and chicken kebabs, another one with corn on the cob, another with frozen fresh mango on a stick. MMMMMM!
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Make the best choices you can, this might help steer you in some kind of direction.

    Also, it's ONLY one day, pick your plan back up when you get home.

    Enjoy the day.
  • DavidMNelson
    Another thing to keep in mind so that you don't freak when you step on the scale the next day - if you have been dieting for a while, particularly if you have been restricting carbohydrates, you probably have relatively depleted your muscle glycogen. Glycogen is the storage form of glucose, strung together in long chains. When you go off diet and increase your carbs, the muscle will rapidly replenish glycogen. As it does so, each molecule of glucose taken into the muscle to build glycogen will carry two or three molecules of water with it. Therefore, lean mass weight will increase, and you may gain a pound or more just from this increased muscle hydration. But that's NOT fat! It's disconcerting to step on the scale and see your weight has gone up, but I promise you it is out of proportion to any actual underlying fat gain. When you resume your diet, the glycogen will again be burned up, and the extra water will be released. Over the next couple of days, you may notice increased urination and the weight will drop back down.
  • cara4fit
    cara4fit Posts: 111 Member
    Actually, aside from any temporary water retention from all the salt, the one day spike in calories actually does a body good. The 2 days after, go low-carb, and then back to your regular weight loss diet. This is what's known informally as calorie/carb cycling, and it works very well for a number of people. That day of high-calorie foods can actually give one's metabolism a jump start again, but don't let this go on for more than a day LOL!
    Don't stress, eat a good breakfast, have a refillable water bottle, and pick and choose what you eat. Plus you don't have to eat the WHOLE thing - split it with a family member or two. Depending on the fair, there might be something reasonable, like grilled something(kebabs with veggies, etc.) mango on a stick, a rice/noodle+veggie bowl, etc. A Greek or Thai/Vietnamese stand usually has something reasonable. If you know that all the deep-fried things or other rich things aren't going to agree with you, just skip them altogether plus you'll save money to boot.
    As far as bringing anything in, what are they going to do, search your purse for a little bag of almonds and veggie sticks(good go-to things to tide one over and healthy snacks to boot)? And take away your water bottle? LOL!
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    It is one day. The fact is, you still have a life to live, complete with birthdays, anniversaries, christmas, easter, and vacations. Although it is always good to do your best to make the healthiest choices, sometimes you have to learn to just let go for a day or two or you will end up going crazy. Many, including personal trainers, have a 'cheat/treat' meal or day each week and stay clean and on track the rest of the week, and it seems to be a popular method of keeping the treat foods in without having them every single day. It also can often result in improved weight loss due to the spike, as long as you are able to flip the switch and get right back on track the next day.

    Just go and enjoy yourself, enjoy the sights, sounds and company of your family, and yes, enjoy the food, knowing that the next day, you will be right back on the wagon, so to speak. Life is short, and if food is one of your pleasures, there is no reason you cannot indulge from time to time. By the way, I noted in your posts that you are amazingly polite and well spoken. I like that. :)
  • paulf508
    paulf508 Posts: 2 Member
    I agree with everyone that one day is not going to undo your progress. However there is a hidden danger here, waiting to trap you. Imagine that you go to the fair and eat whatever catches your eye (again, I recommend you have fun and do this). And imagine that your next weekly weigh-in shows a LOSS of a pound or two! Awesome! The trap is in thinking that something fundamental has changed and now you can eat "fair food" whenever you want and keep on losing weight. I can tell you from painful experience that this is not true - people like us who have to watch what we eat will always have to pay attention.

    So bottom line: please do go to the fair and have fun and don't worry about exceeding your target calories for a day. However, when you continue to succeed (and I know that you WILL succeed), please remember to get right back to your plan! Don't fall for the trap!
