Are there any teachers out there?



  • WinningaBet
    I teach 5th and 6th grade literacy. I just joined this site a few days ago and have a question about the protein. It seems I go over the recommended levels every day (unless I am reading this wrong). I am not going overboard with protein (not anywhere near the amount I consumed when going to bootcamp). Anyone know why the levels are so low? Or am I missing something here?
  • serzmulz
    serzmulz Posts: 10
    Hi there,
    I am a teacher from New Zealand. I am new to this too and hope to lose 50 pounds by next feb!
  • rubyfayeellis
    rubyfayeellis Posts: 1 Member
    :wink: I am a principal at an elementary school. I truly love my career and am trying to stay healthy to keep up with all the demands of the job. I have recently joined my fitness pal. I lose weight and gain it back. I really would like any tips on keeping the weight off. Good luck with your fitness journey. :smile:
  • turkkm
    turkkm Posts: 66
    I teach 5th and 6th grade literacy. I just joined this site a few days ago and have a question about the protein. It seems I go over the recommended levels every day (unless I am reading this wrong). I am not going overboard with protein (not anywhere near the amount I consumed when going to bootcamp). Anyone know why the levels are so low? Or am I missing something here?

    I have been going over on the protein too. I am not stressing about it becasee I feel better with a bit higher protein count. However, I am curious too as to how they arrived at the number.
  • WinningaBet
    Someone just told me to change my settings. Go to goals and change them to custom. You can then change the numbers. I set my protein at about 10% of my body weight.
  • turkkm
    turkkm Posts: 66
    Thanks for the tip. I did not realize we had control over these numbers.
  • plzlbsbegone
    I am a teacher too! I actually find weight loss easier during the school year. My summers are booked solid with my two cookingn jobs, which tends to make me gain, as I have less time to plan. I always pack a lunch the night before school, or keep light soups on hand for the last minute lunch. I also hit the salad bar from time to time, but I bring my own dressing, hate to think of all the fat in the school dressings....I actually have time to cook healthy meals at night too, which is a plus! And, I usually plan to exercise right after I get home from school. It can be a great stress reliever!
  • lizzyc357
    lizzyc357 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm a special ed aide! I love to be friends with you on MFP!
  • WinningaBet
    @turkkm: I didn't realize it either. I went to a different strand which talked about this site and there is one guy who seems to know a lot about it. He answered me right away. Guess I have to spend some time getting to know this program! I will say that it is far easier than Weight Watchers online and FitDay, as far as logging food. Keeping a food and exercise journal is the only way I have been able to lose weight in the past. (one more incentive this time: I have a bet going that I can lose 30 pounds by Halloween. $150 on the line....)
  • brooke_young08
    Also a teacher. I actually found that it's EASIER to stay on a structured eating plan during the school year. Just plan, plan, plan and prepare meals and snacks ahead of time. I will request you as a friend!
  • valpope330
    Another teacher checking in from TX! I'm starting my 20th year next week, moving from middle school English to high school English. I just joined MFP this week. I REFUSE to buy new clothes that are a larger size than what I have, but I've gained about 30 pounds over the last 2 years while working on my M.Ed. I chalk that up to the stress of working, going to school, being a wife, and navigating through being the mother of a teenage girl. (One would think that I'd have that figured out after 19 years of dealing with adolscents... One would be mistaken.)

    Like several of you have already said, I find that it's easier to control what I eat during the school year, too. If I can get better about pre-planning and packing my food ahead of time, I think I'll be more successful this time around. I'm moving to a new school, so avoiding the lounge shouldn't be too big of a problem--I don't even know where it is! ;)

    Anyway, good luck to us all!
  • ruthechesney
    ruthechesney Posts: 34 Member
    Well I teach preschool, so not on the same level as you guys...but similar hours and schedule probably. I pack all of my foods on Sunday afternoon for the entire week. I pack lunches and snacks, and I try to only eat what's in my lunch box. I never go out to eat, or order food with coworkers on my breaks. If Ive got it packed, I have to eat it. So there is no question. I eat salads for lunch every work day. If you pack them correctly, they will last wonderfully all week in the fridge. Grab and go. Super easy and healthy. I rarely take dinner leftovers for lunch....I eat healthy dinner leftovers for a healthy dinner the NEXT night.

    I do this too! I buy spinach and other salad ingredients and make them on Sunday, take it all to work on Monday...and include a lean protein in my lunch, either tuna, low fat cottage cheese, and greek yogurt. I also make sure I have a snack that I can woof down(literally, in the morning, so I am not ravenous when lunch rolls around, and one for as soon as the school day is over...when the chocolate cravings start to kick in. I think I'm going to try the Atkins advantage protein bars....chocolate and less sugar). I workout early in the morning (5am) so I have no excuse that I am too tired when I get home. I know how it is when school starts. My running buddy and I just had this conversation this morning about holding each other accountable through the first few weeks of school. Ladies we can do this. Always remember, if we fail to plan, we plan to fail!!

    Anyone feel free to add me. I teach 8th grade Special Education:)....a healthy lifestyle as a teacher can be done!
  • zozie73
    zozie73 Posts: 26
    I'm a secondary school science teacher (11-16 yr olds) and although I love the job I do find that after a stressful day that I pour myself a glass of wine and then eat......... I start at a new school closer to home in Jan and would love to be much lighter and fitter then than I am now.
    I joined MFP a couple of days ago in a very serious attempt to get my eating and my weight back under control
  • welshwoofer
    welshwoofer Posts: 56 Member
    I'm a secondary school science teacher (11-16 yr olds) and although I love the job I do find that after a stressful day that I pour myself a glass of wine and then eat......... I start at a new school closer to home in Jan and would love to be much lighter and fitter then than I am now.
    I joined MFP a couple of days ago in a very serious attempt to get my eating and my weight back under control

    Hi Zozie,
    I'm a UK science teacher too (11-18)!
    I know exactly what you mean about long hard days.

    I put on a stone over the last year and a half and have managed to shift about 12 lbs so far (proper weigh in day tomorrow) and hope to get to the stone before I go back to school on Sept 3rd ( about 3 more weeks).
    I been doing tons of exercise ( 2x 1 mile swims, 3 runs now up to 5Kish a week) and trying to stick to 1200 cals a day.

    Ideally I'd like to get to 140lbs (10 stone) and see how I feel then. So about 6-7 lbs to go.
    The big challenge will be keeping it off or losing a little bit more,

    Good luck to all the very hardworking teachers!
  • maureenec
    maureenec Posts: 34 Member
    I am a junior high English and social studies. As the school year approaches, I worry about:
    1. The snacks in the lounge - our parents continue to give us donuts, breads, cookies, etc. Ugh.
    2. Dinners for my family. Will I be too tired to cook a healthy meal?
    3. Workout time. I do so much better working out in the morning, but I have to be at school so early that I need to switch to afternoon workouts. I managed to continue working out 6 days a week last year, but I'm still nervous.

    I would like some teacher friends too, so please feel free to add me.
  • turkkm
    turkkm Posts: 66
    A lot of us have posted "teacher's lounge" concerns. We have to put our heads together to solve this one. Can't we just donate the stuff? lol

    I am not a morning person, so I can't exercise much in the morning. When I get home I just can't motivate to do it after being on my feet all day with first graders. Any suggestions?
  • blackjax007
    I've done middle school special ed (math) for the last 9 years. I've switched to sixth grade social studies this year. Looking forward to the new year which starts next Friday. I'd like some more teacher mfp friends, so feel free to add me. Thanks!
  • valpope330
    turkkm~I'm secondary, not elementary, so I might be completely offtrack with this suggestion, but... When your kiddos go to specials, can you do laps around the building, walk the halls, anything like that? My school did a walking competition a couple of years ago, and several of us would get our steps in by walking during our conference periods.
  • WinningaBet
    turkkm - We sent out emails for after school workouts. Most people can make it most days, but of course there's always some other commitments which interfere, but for the most part, we can all get in at least 3 workouts per week. Everyone has SmartBoards, so we do videos. Some days are cardio, some are strength training, and there are usually a few who stay after the workout to work on abs as well. I always keep an extra set of workout clothes at school so there's no excuse for not joining.
  • turkkm
    turkkm Posts: 66
    turkkm - We sent out emails for after school workouts. Most people can make it most days, but of course there's always some other commitments which interfere, but for the most part, we can all get in at least 3 workouts per week. Everyone has SmartBoards, so we do videos. Some days are cardio, some are strength training, and there are usually a few who stay after the workout to work on abs as well. I always keep an extra set of workout clothes at school so there's no excuse for not joining.

    Thanks for this reply! We did this one year and did videos too. The group just kept getting smaller and smaller until we finally stopped it. This is a great idea if you get a dedicated bunch. Unfortunately our school day has gotten later and later over the years and now we get out at 4:23pm. Most people have to get home for their kids and so depart quickly. But, on the upside, the new building is very large and I could walk the halls after school! I really have no excuse, lol!