I work overnights

Hi all
I work overnights and I really need to get an idea of how many calories I should be eating at each meal. I am looking for a 1,500 calorie limit. right now I eat at 4pm(breakfast at home), 12am (lunch at work) and 5am(Dinner at home). I usually got to bed at 8am or so. Right now I am eating 600 cal at 4pm, 300 cal at 12am, and 600 cal at 5am. I know that I should eat more at 12am but I am at work and I work around food so I am not hungry and I only have 30 min to eat. So if I up my calories there then it has to be somthing high in calories and quick to eat.

Anyone have Ideas


  • MasonMelissa
    MasonMelissa Posts: 525 Member
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    I have worked night shift for 9 yrs now, its a whole new way of sleeping and eating. There is no way to know what will work for you. I eat dinner w my hubby at 5pm, at work I have a snack at midnight and breakfast at 5, divide it up any way you see fit as long as you are within limits and good luck!
  • MasonMelissa
    MasonMelissa Posts: 525 Member
    I am thinking I need to go heavier on the calories at 4pm and lighter on the calories at 5am. I think I want to do a shake that has enough calories to keep me asleep for my 8 hours.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Can you clarify whether or not you're having issues with your current plan? Just curious why you're concerned with how many calories you are getting on a per meal basis.

    Just trying to understand the issue.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    You're overcomplicating things. I've been working overnights for 10 years. I don't obsess over how many calories each meal has. As long as thy fit into my total allowance, I really don't care. My food diary is public. The days I work overnights are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
  • mom2dms
    mom2dms Posts: 152 Member
    Hi all
    I work overnights and I really need to get an idea of how many calories I should be eating at each meal. I am looking for a 1,500 calorie limit. right now I eat at 4pm(breakfast at home), 12am (lunch at work) and 5am(Dinner at home). I usually got to bed at 8am or so. Right now I am eating 600 cal at 4pm, 300 cal at 12am, and 600 cal at 5am. I know that I should eat more at 12am but I am at work and I work around food so I am not hungry and I only have 30 min to eat. So if I up my calories there then it has to be somthing high in calories and quick to eat.

    Anyone have Ideas

    First I would suggest that you work two snacks in there, one while you are at work and one before bed time. Think of your body as an engine, it needs fuel to burn calories and feeding your body every 2-3 hours keeps your metabolism going while avoiding the crashes from low blood sugar. You don't want to eat high caloric food simply to get the calories in..those are not the types of food that will feed and nourish your body.
    Try adding some raw nuts into your diet. They're high in fiber and protein and have the good fats that help you burn calories. Greek Yogurt is a great source of protein and calcium which will help you feel full longer. (it will also add to your calorie count in a good way)

    Make sure that you are exercising too. I know this is a hard one for my husband who works overnights too.

    Good luck
  • ncbecker13
    I totally feel your pain! I always shoot for about 400 cals but I feel like if I start to get tired I snack myself into dangerous territory. Best recommendation is still make sure to get sleep!!!! Once I get tired, it's all down hill from there...
  • MasonMelissa
    MasonMelissa Posts: 525 Member
    I am having issues because I seem to be eating to many calories before bed, and my days totals seem to be in the red at the end of the day. Not usualy by much but it is still red. I was down to 192lbs in June and now I am back up to 198 and that is a scarry place for me. I started working overnights which means that I need to swich to a different way of eating and exercising. I work a very active job but it all takes place at night which does not give me the greatest ability to work out since I am sleeping when it is daylight outside. My old routine no longer works for me since I can`t take my favorite Zumba class once a week. Until I figure out a new exercise routine I have to come up with good diet outline and see if that works.
    I am probably overcomplicating it but I am a very organized person and if I can get an idea of what my menu plan should look like I can get myself into a routine of sorts.
    My old routine was a combination of my knoledge and the help of a dietitian. So I am looking for info on what I should be eating before I go to bed and anyother advice out there that could help a person strugling with trying to lose weight on night shift.
  • MasonMelissa
    MasonMelissa Posts: 525 Member
    I totally feel your pain! I always shoot for about 400 cals but I feel like if I start to get tired I snack myself into dangerous territory. Best recommendation is still make sure to get sleep!!!! Once I get tired, it's all down hill from there...

    I know what you mean. I seem to make bad choices a bit too often and that I know needs to stop.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Total daily intake will dictate changes in weight. How those calories are partitioned or when you eat them, won't matter as far as weight loss. So, the eating at night part isn't inherently bad.
  • MasonMelissa
    MasonMelissa Posts: 525 Member
    I find that if I eat more though out the day and less before bed I see a change in weight. Where as I can`t seem to get that balance if I eat a big meal before I go to bed.
  • MasonMelissa
    MasonMelissa Posts: 525 Member
  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    I have been working nights for about 5 years. I work 9pm to 8am. I usually eat dinner around 6pm and I eat a very light lunch around 2 am (I don't like to eat heavy at work, it makes me sleepy) and I eat a meal when I get home around 9am (which may or may not consist of breakfast foods) . Sometimes it varies, and if I'm not hungry after work I don't always eat. If that happens, it's usually because I snacked on something while at work. I haven't noticed any correlation to weightloss and when I eat, but I sleep better if I eat before going to bed. =)
    I try to get up around 4pm to get in a workout. I used to try to workout after work, but I am often too tired. But when I get up I have more energy. You might see if there's an afternoon Zumba class you can take. Or if you have the energy in the morning, go to a morning class. Good luck!
  • MasonMelissa
    MasonMelissa Posts: 525 Member
    I have been working nights for about 5 years. I work 9pm to 8am. I usually eat dinner around 6pm and I eat a very light lunch around 2 am (I don't like to eat heavy at work, it makes me sleepy) and I eat a meal when I get home around 9am (which may or may not consist of breakfast foods) . Sometimes it varies, and if I'm not hungry after work I don't always eat. If that happens, it's usually because I snacked on something while at work. I haven't noticed any correlation to weightloss and when I eat, but I sleep better if I eat before going to bed. =)
    I try to get up around 4pm to get in a workout. I used to try to workout after work, but I am often too tired. But when I get up I have more energy. You might see if there's an afternoon Zumba class you can take. Or if you have the energy in the morning, go to a morning class. Good luck!

    I have PCOS so I have to watch what i am eating. I also want to eat food that is not too heavy but is going to sustain me through an 8 hour sleep. As for finding a place to work out I can only do it on Monday nights since i do not have any energy when I get up.
    So working out will have to be a once a week thing for now.