What was your breaking point?



  • iSpeakLife
    iSpeakLife Posts: 104 Member
    Wow, this is definitely inspiring. Thank you sooooo much for sharing all these responses and I posted this just 40 minutes ago! Haha

    There's so much power in testimonies, I appreciate it and am excited to read more!
  • KimWW
    KimWW Posts: 301 Member
    This is going to sound weird and corny.

    My daughter and I were on a road trip in Missouri. A delay in our schedule meant we hit St. Louis at rush hour. For a lady from rural Mississippi, this was panic time. 70+ mph with just a few feet between our car and others. When we made it out the other side alive I had this feeling of "I can do anything!" and the next day it occurred to me that if I could drive through St. Louis at 5pm, I might be able to do other things too. Hey, I could eat a freaking salad for lunch, maybe even work out some. ;)
  • rachellosesitall85
    rachellosesitall85 Posts: 497 Member
    It starts when you truly want it to. I've stopped and started, etc. but recently, my breaking point has been that I've noticed that not only am I uncomfortable, I don't care much about my appearance when I used to never leave the house without a cute outfit, hair done, and make up on. I stepped on the scale and I'm inching towards my highest weight that I've kept off for 6 years. That and sick and tired of reading so many success stories wondering why I'm sitting on my butt instead of moving my butt and eating right so I can post my own success story. Also, when I don't even feel comfortable enough to be intimate with my husband. Those were all my breaking points.
  • iSpeakLife
    iSpeakLife Posts: 104 Member
    when i stepped on the scale september 6th 2011 and it pointed to 295. for some reason that number did what looking in the mirror, ripped clothes and mean comments couldn't do. Made me start writing down what i ate and working out. now im 210 and need another breaking point =/

    You can definitely do it! You've accomplished so much this far, push past your potential and move to progress :) Thanks so much for sharing, you are inspiring me!
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    I think once I realized it isn't quite as hard as I thought, and I don't have to starve myself to get results. Before MFP I assumed you HAD to only eat 1200 calories a day to get results. Not the case at all, you can still enjoy food and get to where you want to be.
  • VeggieKidMandy
    VeggieKidMandy Posts: 575 Member
    my breaking point was when I saw a picture of myself standing next to my husband, granted he is thin as a rail, but next to him I looked ginormous!! Now I am thirty pounds thinner and I work out twice as hard everytime I look at that picture.
  • LishaCole
    LishaCole Posts: 245
    A photo of my double chin really got to me... followed by a photo of me looking all tired, stressed and huge next to my glowing skinny mini friends.
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    I was too big for men's size 38 jeans and had to start wearing 20W. When I checked my weight I found out I was up to 220 lbs and that's pretty damn big for 5'4"!

    The thing that had me join MFP was not being able to fit in my jeans. I lost 100 lbs on my own and gained back 20.
  • EAlexandraB
    EAlexandraB Posts: 98 Member
    I fissured the cartilage in my knee...getting up off the floor. :embarassed:

    Now, I do have a connective tissue disorder, so this wasn't WAY out of left field, but as I sat in my bathtub doing one of many, many heat/ice cycles to try to get the swelling down, I very abruptly COULD NOT LIVE WITH MYSELF if I stayed fat anymore. So I decided: no more excuses. None.

    Since then, I'm down 44lbs, and have missed only two workouts since March 1st - one when I tore my SCM muscle, and one when I had the flu. Around here, the ONLY valid reasons I allow for missed workouts are serious injury or illness. I eat mostly "clean," but allow other things ONLY if they fit into my calorie budget. And that's all it takes!
  • beachnik00
    Mine was realising how much i hated photos of me going on Facebook - because i couldn't stand the extra fat I had put on, and how swollen i looked around my face and upper body not to mention lower body. When I looked back at all my pics i could not find one that I liked. When I'd binge eat and couldn't stop myself - when I looked at my calorie counters and realised i regularly ate about 1/3 more than I needed to every day - when I can't sleep on my stomach because my breasts make it too uncomfortable - when I can't fit into my 'fat' jeans anymore and I don't even know where my 'normal' ones are - when I think that summer is coming here in the southern hemisphere - when everything else in my life seemed to be in place but this one obsession is ruining my happiness and enjoyment of life - when I saw photos of myself surrounded by high school friends at a recent wedding and looked so bloated, I was embarrassed - when the scales hit 75kg, which they NEVER have in my life - when i don't feel like being intimate with my partner because I felt unattractive - when I wanted to clean up my diet because of ongoing colds and flu - when I realised I didn't want to go out dancing because I felt ugly - when I couldn't remember the last time I bought clothes because a) i could not face the changing room mirror and b) I kept thinking "i'll be skinny soon and I don't want to waste money" - when I bought a house and realised I couldn't afford to eat out and drink anymore - when I discovered and enjoyed one of the training apps on my phone - when watching the incredible bodies at the Olympics - when I realised I had been harping on the same theme for about a decade, and how much negative time and energy I had WASTED on worrying about my appearance - when I thought "life doesn't have to be like this".

    Loved all your replies! Well done on all your achievements so far.
  • tree5981
    tree5981 Posts: 18 Member
    When I stepped on the scale on New Years Day and realized I was close to 200 pounds. I was a girl who was used to being between 105 to 120 for the bulk of my life. This was not acceptable... and so that was the moment I snapped and said right, enough is enough.

    Same Thing! I saw 200 and knew I had to stop anymore weight from accumulating. Plus my pants didn't fit me anymore :(
  • misao1994
    I was hanging out with a friend from my old high school on the day of prom and decided to measure my waist(which has always been the smallest part of my body) and I realized I had added 6 inches. And I was tipping the scale at 198. I was done and I'm still done. I just recently saw a video of me at my smallest and now I really have something to strive for!
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    Gosh I have to think my breaking point came when I couldn't get out of bed without breathing hard...I couldn't bend over to tie my shoes, Getting an item off the bottom shelf wasn't happening...my pants were huge my shirts in the 6X area. So many things to look back at
  • Meraid
    Meraid Posts: 148 Member
    Well I've had multiple ones but I the most recent one was a lil while ago, I was texting a friend in the AM breaking down because everything was going wrong. I was hitting my leg going " Why aren't you bruising? Why is there so much fat there?" And sit some sit ups but the next day I seriously felt more determined then ever. But way back a year ago almost it was pictures. And the fact that I'm graduating soon, and that'll mean that I've been obese/overweight for my entire school life. I've never been fit. I wanted it.
    So here I am.
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    I felt some of the stitches in the butt of my pants bust at work...then I went to buy pants fat enough to fit my *kitten*, and short enough to fit my leg, and I couldn't find any.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I had been trying to lose weight for a while, but what really did it for me was when my husband and I joined a gym. We met with a trainer and after the body fat analysis, I cried right there in the gym. I was 48% fat. I couldn't believe it. A few weeks later, I found out I was pregnant and due to horrible morning sickness, I could barely get off the couch, let alone exercise. After my baby was born we moved and we had a gym at our apartment complex. I worked our hard every day but ended up gaining weight. Then I got pregnant again. Because my pelvis separated more than it should have, I experienced a lot of pain when walking, sitting, rolling over in bed, or whenever moving at all. After he was born, we moved again and my husband got me a gym membership. The trainer there told me about MFP and that's when things finally started going right. I lost about 30 pounds in 6 months, and then got pregnant again. My third baby was born 7 months ago and I have finally weaned from the breast pump. (I've got about 3000 ounces of milk in the freezer, which should last until her birthday.) So, once my finals are over this week, I'll be back on track with exercise.
  • LatinaRockera
    I'm turning 35 years old at the end of the year and I've been up and down on my weight. I stepped on the scale today and seen that I weigh 180 pounds never in my life have I've weighed that much.. I was shocked to see that, I don't want to reach 200 lbs. So I'm starting as of today to start tracking what I eat and also to make time to exercise even if it's at least 30 min. of walking.. So my motivation is on and want to at least loose 15 pounds before my 35th Birthday in November!
  • Kotek1985
    Kotek1985 Posts: 9 Member
    Going shopping for swimwear. I'm well endowed up top (thanks Mum) so it had always been a disappointing excerise but last year, while shopping for the coming summer I found a great store with items that fit my size... but all I saw was my stomach and I hated myself. Went on a bit of a gym binge for a while and improved quite a bit but recently caught the scales creeping up again with winter sloth mode activated. That and jeans I've had for ages were becoming a mission to do up.

    Think I need to go swim wear shopping again to remind myself why keeping on track is worth it. Much easier to keep it going that do it all over again.
  • VogtAndrea
    VogtAndrea Posts: 236
    Mine came when I went to weigh in for a ctcolonoscopy and found myself sitting at right about that same weight. The surgeon that did the scope came and talked with me and asked me if I'd agree to see a bariatric specialist with the possibility of having surgery to help me lose weight. Though my time here is a 7 lb loss, It's actually more like 47 lbs so far because I started MFP after my bariatric specialist suggested it as an additional source of help and accountability.
    It's working!
  • Cherp18
    Cherp18 Posts: 224 Member
    Someone came into my work & said "We're starting the diet contest now. Are you in?" I looked down at my stomach & thought "I'm fat! I need to diet. It's now or never! YES! I'm in!" And so it started. I came 2nd in the "DIET CONTEST" and am happy to say I'm still losing! All with the support of my family and friends on MFP (and that includes YOU!!!)

    Thanks everyone & all the best!