Headache after working out.



  • MartinTMiller
    MartinTMiller Posts: 3 Member
    She's probably right
    Abnormal breathing patterns such as short, shallow breaths cause you to use secondary respiratory muscles more than your diaphragm. Those respiratory muscles are directly connected to the cervical and cranial portions of your body. With increased activity and tension in that area, headaches, dizziness and feeling lightheaded may occur.

    I'd suggest that you focus on your breathing and see if that helps. If not, seek the opinion of a medical professional.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I get the headaches sometimes also and the hearing in my left ear gets blocked. I also have very low blood pressure and sometimes get light headed because of that. I also think that when I am lifting very heavy I was sometimes holding my breath for brief moments. And it's worse if I feel hungry or if I am tired.
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