unprocessed food?!?

So due to the beginning of early onset arthritis I am going to have to only eat unprocessed food. Has anyone done it? Any food idea? Thanks in advance xo


  • owyn999
    owyn999 Posts: 12 Member
    There are lots of amazing unprocessed foods and meals. My favorites:

    Sweet potato fries
    Oven finished grass fed steak / tuna / salmon
    Corn on the cob
    Unhemogenized fullfat milk ( or raw if you can safely get it)
    Cheese (or does that count as processed??? Either way it is delicious)
    Chilli con carne
    Fried (more stir fried) rice with chicken and lots of veggies
    Tandori chicken
    Slow cooked lamb shanks
    Chicken curry (coriander/tumeric style)
    Prawn green curry with brocolli , pumpkin and peas
  • 88Fifi88
    88Fifi88 Posts: 13
    Thank you so much!
    ITS_MY_CHOICE Posts: 62 Member
    Stick to the fruit and veg section and the meat section of a supermarket, drink milk and water and eat grainy bread.

    ie... avoid anything in a packet, bottle or jar.
  • Jesse_Hunter
    Jesse_Hunter Posts: 162 Member
    Whole fruits
    whole vegetables
    raw nuts
    raw seeds
    legumes (no cans)
    raw fish

    Milk is super processed...