Very Despondent

Hi All
I am new here. My brother is in renal failure and I am a perfect match but was overweight at 101.6kg's and insulin resistant. I went on a diet and excercise regime and came down to 82kg's!! Then my sister passed away and life just got hectic. My weight rocketed up, every week even though I ate sensibly my weight just goes up. I am now 90.6kg - thats almost 10kg's gain and 10kg's closer to the fattest i have ever been. I have been doing 30-45min all round training at Shapes which targets everywhere but I still am putting on 200g every week. I am so despondent, I dont know whats wrong with me and why I cant just drop the weight. Its not like i have bad eating habits and I do try to excercise every day. I dont want a perfect body - I just want to get to 70kgs at least so I can give my brother a kidney. Very disheartened, hating my body!


  • MaudeBeige
    MaudeBeige Posts: 282
    Big hugs honey!

    Have you tried MyFitnessPal before? Hopefully this is the one that will work for you. My starting weight was the same as yours. I managed to get it down to just below 70kgs. There's hope!
  • Beksnevin
    No, I havent tried this before. I have been on Weighless which is like weight watchers and its just not working for me. Every week I am so embarrassed at weigh in because everyone loses and not me. I dont know how to record my excercise here. Shapes is a gym for woman that has circuit training so it works out eveyrthing. They say just wait maybe my body will kick in but I dont have time on my side. I want to run out and get diet pills but I tried this and I know its messed my body up over the years. Just really hard!

    Any tips for me please?

    Whats your ideal day of food and excercise?
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    How many calories are you taking in a day? Have you tried lifting light wts.? I like a machine called nustep because it is no impact on my joints. I am on a high protein, low fat diet. I have to make sure to get in my fruits and veggies everyday. I don't always, but I do try. I eat hard boiled eggs and nonfat greek yogurt for breakfast. Lunch is somewhat average sized, and my main meal is dinner. I have to eat 6 times a day. I snack on hard boiled eggs, greek yogurt and something high in protein. That is what I am supposed to do. Some days I fall short of my goals of a truly clean eating plan. I try to workout at least 2 days a week and other days I try to do some kind of exercise for at least 30 min. I am truly sorry to hear about your brother and your sister. Stress doesn't help when trying to lose wt. My brother has some renal failure going on, but I will never be able to be a donor due to heart disease and having to have 5 coronary arteries bypassed 4 yrs. ago. Feel free to add me or message me anytime, Kimberlee,48.
  • scruffykaz
    scruffykaz Posts: 317 Member
    Sending you big hugs.

    I have found MFP really helped me. It is a combination of the support you receive and logging everything I eat. You can identify where you need to make changes. I knew I was a junk food monster but I really didn't realise how calorific some of the foods i was eating really were.

    Take things one step at a time and you'll get there.
  • N0703989
    N0703989 Posts: 97 Member
    Hi Beksnevin, Its hard to shake the despondency when you've been working so hard, but you've made a great choice by joining MFP. Its a great community and you have all the tools here to help you loose weight. Just spend 10mins a day reading the success stories and you will have no doubt that this is a highly motivational environment. And, the best part, its FREE!

    Start by recording everything you eat. It may be that you've been missing off the odd item each day and that's how the weight is creeping back on, or (my favourite) you haven't been eating enough. Don't go below 1200kcals a day and if you have a lot of weight to loose or you have an active life style then that figure will be considerably higher. Follow the MFP guidelines.

    Good luck.
  • Beksnevin
    Yes I have been told that I may not be eating enough but I am too scared to add more to my day! I think my mindset needs a change - I a overweight so I shouldnt be eating alot. But I am told thats wrong. I even cut down my carb intake and was told that was wrong. So yes I think logging my food will be interesting. How do i know how much calories i would need? I am an accountant so at my desk all day but from 5pm i am at gym then just hectic busy until about 10. I get to bed about 11 and wake up at 5am. I know that this all does make a difference too.
  • N0703989
    N0703989 Posts: 97 Member
    If you're logging onto the main website from your PC then it's the following:

    Home > Settings > Update diet/fitness profile

    Follow the instructions and MFP will give you a daily calorie target.