introducing myself

hi everyone, just thought id introduce myself. im rosy and im 250, trying to get down to a toned 126 by my daughters birthday end of septemeber 2013. this seems like quite a long time but im being realistic and giving myself plenty of time to lose it healthily. i want to lose it for many reason, one of which is of course to be a healthier and better role model for my daughter and also because eventually i would like to enter a bodybuilding competition, which is not everyones cup of tea but i thought i would share it as its my personal goal. im going to take monthly photos for myself and weigh myself weekly, need to lose 2lbs a week to achieve my goal. i love the gym but only have chance to go 3 times a week, (would go everyday if i could) il share a few photo after i notice differences in my body so please be kind. xx


  • leanne9876
    leanne9876 Posts: 301 Member
    Welcome to MFP, good luck !
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    Welcome to mfp. I wish you luck. I've lost my wt. in 11 months. Feel free to add me if you wish.
  • Simonino
    Simonino Posts: 75 Member
    Hy Rosy! Very good that you established those goals so every time you feel down you should visualize them and it will give you strength. I wish you good luck and if you need a good word or advice I'm here :)!
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    Welcome to MFP and good luck on your journey!
  • You can do it! I'll add you so i can cheer you on!
  • Hi
    I am a new member too. I am 25 from the UK, and I am getting married in April. I am hoping to get fitter so I can start to enjoy exercise and then loose 20lbs. I am looking forward to really understanding the impact different food groups have on my body. Good luck everyone. xxxx
  • jennalor
    jennalor Posts: 84 Member
    Welcome and good luck!
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    Good luck, i know you can achieve your goal.
  • rukus1
    rukus1 Posts: 112
    Good luck on your journey!
  • good luck with your weight loss. :smile: You can do it. I lost 50 lbs 15 years ago in 7 months. I have since gained it back plus more.
  • thanks everyone you are all so welcoming and friendly. its great to know other people are here in the same situation, its abit like weight watcher or slimming world meeting online with an app i guess lol
    i wish you all of you the best of success with your goals too! xx