body fat % and twisted knickers

After checking my bf% on online calculators and the chemists scales I have had twisted knickers all weekend my body fat came out as ;

31% first online calculator that came up on google
45.8% scales at local chemist's shop
58% fat2fitradio military calculation

Now I am 225lbs and 5ft 4 so which ever way up you look at the figures there is a lot of fat to lose, and as I realised this something clicked. My behaviour is going to be the same whatever the %'s are, I shall eat at deficit with sufficent protein to maintain lean body mass and do some strength training and cardio. Since I reset my weight loss goal to 1.5lb a week when MFP suggested I drop my calories after loosing more than 10lb, my protein is already set to about 116g a day and my calorie limit seems fairly easy to keep too. ( important long term to me) So I shall carry on as I am. I am discounting the lowest % as I jiggle far too much for that to be true

After I loose the next 50lb I will be better able to judge what goal weight will be appropiate and at this point whether my lean body mass is 97 or 122lb will matter, and determine whereabouts on the bmi chart I am , as I would rather have a healthy body fat % than a bmi at the bottom of the healthy range. I will also most probably still be breastfeeding a little and will have to research if this means having a slightly higher body fat than I'd want for a little while. Anecdotally is seems women's bodys seem to want to hold onto 7-10lbs extra whilst feeding.

Am curious if the military method has greater inaccurracies for females than males as at various weight my hips are always 10" wider than my waist . Hope this helps any other confused souls


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    just to let you know, MFPs default setting has protein very low, only 15%. i would suggest you change this to 25-30% and then try to hit that target to ensure you are getting a sufficient amount.
  • charitas32
    Thanks, I swopped my macros round after wk1 and noticing that low fat high carb days left me feeling ugh and struggling more with sticking to plan. Am now 40, 30, 30
  • sarahcuddle
    sarahcuddle Posts: 349 Member
    Can't really help with the body fat thing although for me the military website had a higher fat persentage than my scales. i wouldn't worry about it as long as the numbers go down gradually! I have also set my macro's to 40% carbs 30% fat and 30% protein but I sometimes struggle to eat my protein. Anyone any good suggestions? I think basically I am too fond of carbs :)
  • charitas32
    I am trying to eat higher protein carbs, so lentils, oatmeal, quinoa every little helps
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    Can't really help with the body fat thing although for me the military website had a higher fat persentage than my scales. i wouldn't worry about it as long as the numbers go down gradually! I have also set my macro's to 40% carbs 30% fat and 30% protein but I sometimes struggle to eat my protein. Anyone any good suggestions? I think basically I am too fond of carbs :)
    I'm the other way round! I eat more protein and not enough carbs! I have porridge for breakfast, salad with boiled egg and maybe a bit of chicken or some fish and tea time I have turkey steak or turkey mince in something with more salad. I don't like pasta, bread gives me indigestion and although I eat rice, no one else in my family does so I tend not to make it just for me! Baked potatoes are about the only carb food I eat regularly.
    I have scales at home which measure body fat, I think it is better to stick to one source and use that as your base line.
    Good luck!
  • charitas32
    I think your right about the one source and stick with it. Hijacking my own thread, cool figures are they Malafoy ( my beloved is a war gamer)
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    I think your right about the one source and stick with it. Hijacking my own thread, cool figures are they Malafoy ( my beloved is a war gamer)
    Thanks, some are Hasslefree and some are from West Wind, can't remember where the others are from! I painted some and my friend did the others, we are table top role players and that is our player characters from a pulp 1930's game set n Cairo!
    I didn't have the courage to put a pic of the real me up!
    ps. If I am painting I am not munching!
  • charitas32
    I get you with the avoiding munchies I feel the same way about crochet and my beloved has given up smoking so more painting going on here too. We have a pact going to improve our health and keep up with the two monkeys on my avatar
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    . We have a pact going to improve our health and keep up with the two monkeys on my avatar
    I bet they keep you busy, I have 3 boys and a girl, my daughter and I do lots of sewing and crafting together, but I've always said small boys are like puppies, they need lots of exercise and walks!
    Oops, I think we've gone a bit off topic!