First time here

I am new to this ste and read about it in Women's World magazine. I am looking for support in maintaining my weight loss and losing the last 10 lbs. I have lost a total of 147 lbs with the help of surgery. My health has improved dramatically. I have been successful in maintaining it for the past year. I am struggling with major stressful situations now with a special need daughter, two ill parents , and a job that involves working with the homeless population. I thought I would try the site for some additional support and encourage. Looking forward to talking with other embers.


  • wolfehound22
    Wow, those are some killer results, and maintaing that for a year is no small feat. I would be more than happy to be your friend, although judging from your success u may be more motivating to me, but im willing to help u through those final lbs, those are always the hardest.