When do you stop trying??

OK so what to you do when people tell you that you have inspired them to start getting healthy and then they dont really follow through. I have had several people tell me they would like my help and support because they see my progress, they even join MFP but then nothing! I have tried to send them modivational comments or suggest an alternative meal and then they will log on for a day or so and then go several days, weeks without. Do I keep trying or should I just leave them be? I don't want to offend anyone because I truely beleive you have to be ready to make a huge lifestyle change for this to EVER work.


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i have stopped trying with ALL the people who are interested until they realise you have to work HARD to get what you want and there is no short cut, magic pill or easy way to do it!!

    if people ask i will give them all the info i can and help as much a spossible, but if they dont take that advice on board i dont bother chasing them.... plus i have found that people who are significantly heavy wont listen to anything i say as i 'dont understand' having never been morbidly obese myself.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Leave them be. If they don't REALLY want to change they won't. Everyone get's motivated when they see people change thinking it will be easier than it is. Most of the time when they realize it is hard work they fall off......
  • dawgfan94
    I have to admit I was one of those folks you're talking about--I was greatly inspired by my friend at work, who eventually lost a total of 191 lbs. I thought, "Heck, I only need to lose 30 or so...if she can lose 191, then I can lose 30." I told her all of this and how I wanted to slim down. She shared her weekly/monthly menus with me, showed me low-cal snack options she'd discovered, emphasized weighing and measuring food...all the right things, without being pushy. I was hot-and-heavy with it for a while, then slacked off. She never fussed or chased me down, though. Just recently (March), I had really decided I was fed up. I had gained a few more pounds and was down to 8 pieces of clothes that fit. I discovered MFP and asked her if she thought it would help me; she agreed it would and even joined herself, although she really doesn't have any more to lose--she did it to help herself maintain her weight, but she has also been my biggest cheerleader. I guess you just don't push, just be there when they decide to try again.
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    I think that once you've offered all of your best advice and tips and lots of encouragement, you need to back off and let them pick it up themselves. We all know that no one can do this for us and that no amount of prodding from others will get us off the couch and away from the fridge -- no matter how loving and supportive that prodding is! If you like, you can say something gentle like, "I see you're taking a break from your fitness routine. Let me know when you'd like my help again." -- Then let it slide.