Relationship question



    Everyone has pretty much said what I would...also remember guys think differently then us women ...we want to "talk" about things & work them out. Guys don't. period.

    I still don't know my husband & I've known him for 27 years....That's what I still love about him...there is always something new to discover. Guys like to BS with their friends...Woman hug & talk. That's just the way we're wired.

    I'm sure he loves you very much & with time he will be more open about it. My husband lost a friend scuba diving when he was 18 & was the one choosen to tell the parents...OMG Death is a big deal & not knowing all the details he's probably is still working thru it himself. Be patient & go on with your relationship. If you dig it up too much he may get irritated & glorify her more.

    He has chosen you & that is Special. Enjoy your time together & make your memories with him. I know you can't compete with her & you shouldn't try. Just be yourself & everything will be fine.:heart:

    Thank you!!! Really still do not know him? The "what if " kills me!!! You hear of these husbands who are murders/gay/molesters etc.... that I just get consumed with wanting to know everything!!! I will be patient! Thank you I appreciate the kind words!!
  • 1Sweets
    1Sweets Posts: 395
    Everyone has pretty much said what I would...also remember guys think differently then us women ...we want to "talk" about things & work them out. Guys don't. period.

    I still don't know my husband & I've known him for 27 years....That's what I still love about him...there is always something new to discover. Guys like to BS with their friends...Woman hug & talk. That's just the way we're wired.

    I'm sure he loves you very much & with time he will be more open about it. My husband lost a friend scuba diving when he was 18 & was the one choosen to tell the parents...OMG Death is a big deal & not knowing all the details he's probably is still working thru it himself. Be patient & go on with your relationship. If you dig it up too much he may get irritated & glorify her more.

    He has chosen you & that is Special. Enjoy your time together & make your memories with him. I know you can't compete with her & you shouldn't try. Just be yourself & everything will be fine.:heart:

    Thank you!!! Really still do not know him? The "what if " kills me!!! You hear of these husbands who are murders/gay/molesters etc.... that I just get consumed with wanting to know everything!!! I will be patient! Thank you I appreciate the kind words!!

    Well I know his character & he's a wonderful person...also you can learn a lot from friends & family. I've had many talks with friends & family when it came to this scuba death. I found out about the little details from them. Guys aren't into the details (usually). You will find more as time goes on. Your on the right path:heart:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I've only read the first few responses so far but I have to agree with everyone. And keep in mind that three years ago is really not that long of time. My boyfriend passed away two years ago and it's still hard on me sometimes. After he died I ordered a special band ring that says "George & Betty" so we would always be together. :cry: I'm not in a relationship now but if I ever do have another boyfriend some day, I'll take the ring off and put it away. But George will always have a very special place in my heart that no one will every replace. But that doesn't mean I can't give my whole heart to and create a new life with another. :smile:
    I've only read the first few responses so far but I have to agree with everyone. And keep in mind that three years ago is really not that long of time. My boyfriend passed away two years ago and it's still hard on me sometimes. After he died I ordered a special band ring that says "George & Betty" so we would always be together. :cry: I'm not in a relationship now but if I ever do have another boyfriend some day, I'll take the ring off and put it away. But George will always have a very special place in my heart that no one will every replace. But that doesn't mean I can't give my whole heart to and create a new life with another. :smile:

    I am sorry for your loss!! Thank you for sharing!