Weight Plateau

Over the last 3 months I've done really well and lost just over a stone through exercise and cutting my calorie intake, losing around 1-2 pounds a week steadily. But for the last 4 weeks I have been stuck on 10 stone - somes its goes down 9.13 but then the next day its 10.1!

Im exercising harder and eating the same balanced diet but I cant seem to shift anymore pounds! Its been really de-motivating to think I work really hard to keep fit, run in the rain and decline cakes and all the things I crave but yet cant seem to get over this weight plateau!

Recently Ive started drinking only water (no fizzy/squash) and even green tea to help kick my metabolisim into gear but nothing seems to be working :(

So any tips and has anyone experienced the same - if so, what helped you? Thank you!


  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    It could be a few different things. You can try increasing calories, if you're not eating enough to fuel your body. If you are properly fueling your body, then you can try decreasing your calories by 10%. It's really energy in/energy out. It's not that hard to figure out. If increased workouts are not working, I have a hunch that you are not eating enough. Your body will hold on to everything if you don't fuel it properly. So, no matter what you do, it won't let go. Once you feed it properly, it will start allowing the fat to burn off. But, this is just a guess because I don't really know what you are doing. These are just things to investigate.
  • sgarrard01
    sgarrard01 Posts: 213 Member
    I just took a look at your diary (ps, thanks for adding me!), your not eating enough! your so close to your goal i'd change your intake to loose 1.5lbs a week instead of 2!, and eat back all those exersize calories, your net on several days is way too low! (ps when your even closer change to 1lb and then 0.5lb to 'coast in gently')

    I'm not just saying the same as everyone else, i spent 3 weeks at a stagnant level, so i upped my calories (always ate my exersize ones anyway) and my losses have spead up! I also feel better, am able to exersize more intensely and recover more quickly!

    Give it a go, what harm can it do.... Try it for 2 weeks and see if it works!, it's always going to be better than staying the same for 2 more weeks! :-)
  • richx83
    richx83 Posts: 334 Member
    I upped my calories intake to maintenance level and cut back on the exercise thanks to a twisted ankle.

    Once my body felt used to the higher calorie intake I dropped back down and started to increase my exercise again and have been losing since then. :smile:
  • joeamendiola
    I was going to say, just stick with it, but I liked what the last person had to say.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    The only thing I can tell you is what worked for me. Last year I lost 30 pounds but was stuck before losing the last 7. I got tired of the plateau and was cooking dinner for my daughter and her friends. I just said the heck with it and ate the same food. Chicken and dumplings..potatoes..the works. When I jumped on the scale the next day I was 6 pounds heavier! I hit my diet again right away..and the scale started to move and downward....and I busted through the plateau to goal.

    I vote for eating a meal off plan...then jumping right back on..see if that works.
  • susyw_2003
    Thanks for your advice guys! I am struggling to eat all my calories a day, i know its only 1200 but i dont tend to snack inbetween meals and i only drink water at the mo (always full) so trying to eat high calorie meals is becoming a struggle as my appetite isnt always there.

    I think ill try upping my calories but sticking with the exercise and see how it goes.
  • sgarrard01
    sgarrard01 Posts: 213 Member
    Try more calorie dense foods... nuts, peanut butter, cottage, cheese etc. (you dont wanna eat 1200kcal per day for life do you?!)
  • susyw_2003
    But today, ive written down what ill have for my 3 main meals and an alpen bar and banana as a snack - yet im still under my daily goal! (see diary) and i dont want to force myself to eat something for 200 kcals just because i have to spare.. kinda like eating for the sake of it?

    If i wasnt doing the DVD, i wouldnt of burnt off 200 calories - this is where is gets me confused, do i still eat the kcals burnt through exercise? i guess thats why i always have calories left over though .. i eat my meals and exercise burns off extra but i dont feel the urge to eat anything else so those calories go to waste!