Lack of motivation from MFP friends



  • amanda3588
    amanda3588 Posts: 422 Member
    Delete people who you'd no longer like to have as a friend, and start fresh.
  • gombolyu
    gombolyu Posts: 136 Member
    I have some really good friends on MFP even if they are completely strangers.:) I find really motivating that they are here, that they are consistent in logging and in working out hard. Even if I receive "just" a "Nice" I am very happy. I like to compliment their progresses, and I don't expect them to write the same for me, but some some of the do it regulary. But the best thing is when you can feel that someone cares. So if you think, that your mfp "friends" doesn't care, than I suggest to delete them. If they put you down instead of motivating, than it is time to look for others.:)
    I suggest to look for interesting people in the forum area. You can write them, that you think they are interesting, and you would be happy to follow them. But it takes time to find some good friends here.:)
  • smtillman2
    smtillman2 Posts: 756 Member
    A few thoughts, please don't kill the thinker.

    With the exception of one person, all my MFP friends are complete strangers, we don't even live in the same time zone. I don't have the same expectations, if that's the right word, for strangers as I would with someone I know in the non-virtual world. I also don't expect them to spend their time posting long responses or questions to what I post. Many people have dozens of friends on here, it would be a full time job to respond to every single person's post, let alone if they post more than one thing a day. I have limited time to read long comments and posts. However when I, or one of my friends sees something that they think requires a longer response/question. If we want to know more about something that someone has mentioned we ask/comment. Or if someone really needs encouragement, then we jump in. In my opinion, that someone even took the time to look at my posts and comment, even if only generic, is something I appreciate.

    Also, I'm not losing weight for someone else; I'm losing it for me. If I'm relying on comments from others (mostly strangers) on MFP as my support system, I am doomed to failure - the motivation has to come from within (and from friends out in the real world who really know you). How can you really be accountable or get genuine encouragement from someone you don't know and whom you can delete or be deleted by at any time?

    Just my thoughts.

    Totally agree with this.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I try to comment on as much as I can with the people I am friends with even if it is just a word or two. If I don't get feed back in return it does feel one sided. I have one friend that I exchange messages with every day and that is very helpful. I don't have or want a lot of friends, just a few who are active and interact with me. Sometimes I will unfriend someone just because we are not connecting. I am doing MFP for myself, but having friends helps as long as I don't have a lot of expectations.
  • perfect10isha
    perfect10isha Posts: 200 Member
    I totally agree with this. Honestly, I recently decided to fly solo because I felt like I was starting to come on here more for my friends rather than focusing on me. My motivation comes from the actual people in my life and from within. I think when you start to get caught up in whether your friends commented on your day or workout, etc, its time to re-shift your focus. If you thrive off of the group spirit, than maybe organize some walks with friends or family members, or healthy recipe sharing, something that can give you the social connection you are looking for.
    A few thoughts, please don't kill the thinker.

    With the exception of one person, all my MFP friends are complete strangers, we don't even live in the same time zone. I don't have the same expectations, if that's the right word, for strangers as I would with someone I know in the non-virtual world. I also don't expect them to spend their time posting long responses or questions to what I post. Many people have dozens of friends on here, it would be a full time job to respond to every single person's post, let alone if they post more than one thing a day. I have limited time to read long comments and posts. However when I, or one of my friends sees something that they think requires a longer response/question. If we want to know more about something that someone has mentioned we ask/comment. Or if someone really needs encouragement, then we jump in. In my opinion, that someone even took the time to look at my posts and comment, even if only generic, is something I appreciate.

    Also, I'm not losing weight for someone else; I'm losing it for me. If I'm relying on comments from others (mostly strangers) on MFP as my support system, I am doomed to failure - the motivation has to come from within (and from friends out in the real world who really know you). How can you really be accountable or get genuine encouragement from someone you don't know and whom you can delete or be deleted by at any time?

    Just my thoughts.
  • _EmmaStrong_
    _EmmaStrong_ Posts: 648 Member
    I agree, I am losing weight for me and me alone. However, I don't consider some of my friends on MFP strangers. I've conversed with them for four months and have gotten to know them - Their ups and downs, their abilities and disabilities, and even their vulnerabilities. I agree also, that motivation comes from within, but it's the inspiration that helps me. Seeing what others have accomplished helps motivate me. It also helps that you feel accepted, here, because we are all working toward the same goals.
  • amore78
    amore78 Posts: 175
  • msmith2020
    msmith2020 Posts: 365 Member

    *giggle* I love your TICKER!
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 904 Member
    I joined last month. The My Home page is usually the first place I go.