weight loss and surgery

Congratulations to so many of you who have posted such great success!

I have a long way to go - about 80 lbs - and am just curious of those of you who have acheived that kind of weight loss if you had issues with extra skin afterward. I do exercise and as I lose the weight plan to do so even more. I see these success stories posted and most of the ones with pictures really show no excess skin...is there hope for me? :))


  • cyclingben
    cyclingben Posts: 346 Member
    when you do it the healthy way with exercise and a good diet your skin seems to just shrinks back. At least that's been the case for me so far.
  • sdurrahMpls
    sdurrahMpls Posts: 75 Member
    I've been loosing slowly, the weight is coming off from exercise and eating better. I lift (heavy) weights 3-4 times per week at the gym, I was told this would help with loose skin, but I'm realizing that I have a lot of it in my arms, back, and lower stomach. As a matter of fact, my arms have a significant amount of muscle in them now, but are the same size in caliber testing because the skin has not tightened. My trainer said genetics and age play a big role in what will happen, and that skin usually takes twice as long to tighten as it takes to loose the weight, so we will see.
  • cherbapp
    cherbapp Posts: 322
    It's sooo different for everyone! I see a lot of pics too and thought I might be lucky and followed all the suggestions...but I have lost over 60 pounds over 8 months...and have about 40 left to go and I have significant folds of skin on my stomach that are not going away. Depressing, but still, I prefer deflated skin over the fat! :)

    And yeah, I drink tons of water...excercise a lot...lots of mousturizers, etc...I apparently am not one of the lucky ones. Though I will blame the three kids for this. LOL
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