Coming back to MFP, need support


Back in July 2010 - Oct. 2010 I lost 28 lbs. I maintained for a year. Then last Fall my husband had a job promotion which required a move for us 4 hours away. So for 3.5 months he was at the new location working while my kids and I were back home. He came home most weekends. In addition to that we had to find and buy a new house...then in December we moved. I had to find and start a new job etc. Just a lot going on and sad to say my weight awareness fell to the way side. So during this time I have gained back about 12-14 pounds :( Which I am very upset with myself about! I have been in denial about it pretty much...not dwelling on it...but now for some reason it has hit me and I want to re lose it. I had lost 2 jeans sizes but now I am back up 1. I remember it being tough for me to stay within my calories due to having a family to cook dinner for. Some suggest making different low cal meals for all of us but let's just say that won't work with my family, lol So I used to make regular dinners that we have always eaten and just use portion control for myself..but it was kind of tough as I had to be on the low end of calories for breakfast and lunch in order to eat the same dinner my family was.

When I input my info on here to lose 1 pound a week I get 1,350 calories a day...ugh...I remember those days from before. Kinda tough! As far as exercise my treadmill no longer works :( So not sure what I will do? I also ended up stopping exercising during all that was going on to :(

So any advice or words of encouragement would help a lot!!! Thanks! :)


  • feel free to add me...
  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    Welcome back! You have a street/sidewalk, right? Put the kiddos in a stroller or on bikes (not sure how old they are) and walk around your neighborhood PLUS you'll be tiring out the kids, too!
    MFP is a great place to start! You got this!
  • raoflight
    raoflight Posts: 18 Member
    welcome back! Being an avid user of this site, I feel like this is the first step into recovery, so to say. You are making the choice to be a better healthier you...Nothing worth having is ever easy. Feel free to add me and just remember to log every day...even if you are way over your daily goals...tracking is the first step to make you more conscious of what you need to do to suceed.
  • mindygood
    mindygood Posts: 79 Member
    You can do this... no need for a treadmill.. outside walking is more interesting to me...feel free to add.
  • KellyL23
    KellyL23 Posts: 81 Member
    Welcome back! I am a mom of two, and I had also found dinnertime difficult. What has been working for me is I have a very small portion of what they are having (mac and cheese for example), and then fill the rest of my plate with a salad or vegetables. Or if they are having tacos, I make a taco salad for a healthier option. I am always modifying their meal to fit my needs.

    Also, I have started exercising in our basement with weights, after they go to bed (I am lucky because they are still young and are asleep by 7:30.

    Feel free to add me!
  • Hi!
    I also have joined and quit and rejoined MFP (numerous times actually) so I know what it feels like to try and get back into the groove of things.

    The first step was joining MFP again - so your in the right direction again :) Welcome back.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • MaureenH39
    MaureenH39 Posts: 315 Member
    Thanks!!! I guess walking will be what I do! ;) My kids are older. I have a 13 and 15 year oldest just graduated HS in June, turned 18 in July and left for basic training in the Army 2 weeks ago! That is another has been very TOUGH...miss him like strange to not have him here! :(
  • MaureenH39
    MaureenH39 Posts: 315 Member
    Thanks everyone!!! I added all of you.....I know from before that the support really helps :) KellyL23 that is a good idea about dinner! Thinking back now I used to supplement my dinner with a lot of veggies! lol But I like the idea of having an even smaller portion and more of the veggies!
  • Welcome back Maureen... I am new here, feel free to add me. =)
  • MaureenH39
    MaureenH39 Posts: 315 Member
    Thanks! Another thing that is hard for me is being HUNGRY!!! I can deal with everything but being actually hungry and feeling like I can't or should not eat because I do not have the calories. Any advice on that anyone?