Best Olympics Move Ever!!!



  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    I would have given you props if you were talking about European Football (or for us Americans, who have this undeniable need to be totatlly different, soccer)

    That being said, we're both missing the entire point.

    That sport where you push the ball around with a broom on ice (I know it's a winter olympic sport, but it's all the same) is like....the HARDEST SPORT EVER EVER.


    Are you secretly Canadian?
    Oh god no. Although I do say "Eh" alot.

    Calm down, kimosabe. I'm just giving you crap about the football. You would, too if the Cowboys were your home team.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    I would have given you props if you were talking about European Football (or for us Americans, who have this undeniable need to be totatlly different, soccer)

    That being said, we're both missing the entire point.

    That sport where you push the ball around with a broom on ice (I know it's a winter olympic sport, but it's all the same) is like....the HARDEST SPORT EVER EVER.


    Are you secretly Canadian?
    Oh god no. Although I do say "Eh" alot.

    Calm down, kimosabe. I'm just giving you crap about the football. You would, too if the Cowboys were your home team.

    Why the whole "Oh god no" response? Sounds a tad racist!
    lol@cowboys.... try having the dolphins.... oh well, still better than the jack*** patriots.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    I would have given you props if you were talking about European Football (or for us Americans, who have this undeniable need to be totatlly different, soccer)

    That being said, we're both missing the entire point.

    That sport where you push the ball around with a broom on ice (I know it's a winter olympic sport, but it's all the same) is like....the HARDEST SPORT EVER EVER.


    Are you secretly Canadian?
    Oh god no. Although I do say "Eh" alot.

    Calm down, kimosabe. I'm just giving you crap about the football. You would, too if the Cowboys were your home team.

    [b[Why the whole "Oh god no" response? Sounds a tad racist![/b]
    lol@cowboys.... try having the dolphins.... oh well, still better than the jack*** patriots.
    Oh god, I knew someone was gonna take it there. I love Canada, but even though I rag on America, I like it better. I'm all patriotic, and stuff.

    And yes, f@#k the Patriots. Tom Brady PMS's more than I do. Whiny little girl.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    Oh god, I knew someone was gonna take it there. I love Canada, but even though I rag on America, I like it better. I'm all patriotic, and stuff.

    I sense your inner cannuck. Be the Canadian, think Canadian, be one with the Loonie.
    Your country's animal is the brave and majestic beaver. You love to naw on good wood all the time.
    Embrace your true identity.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Oh god, I knew someone was gonna take it there. I love Canada, but even though I rag on America, I like it better. I'm all patriotic, and stuff.

    I sense your inner cannuck. Be the Canadian, think Canadian, be one with the Loonie.
    Your country's animal is the brave and majestic beaver. You love to naw on good wood all the time.
    Embrace your true identity.
    Lmao. Born in California, raised in Texas. Hate to disappoint.