in need of MOTIVATION for marathon!! :(

my marathon is OCT 20th and for some reason I am at an all time LOW with my running. Cant seem to get motivated...I have not "run" since last WEEK. I keep "planning" on it...setting my alarm for those early morning runs or late night runs...but they dont happen...
i dont know how to light a SPARK to get that MOTIVATION that I had last month!!

HELP! thoughts? experiences?


  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    Deep can do this! You might be a little burned out from over-training. While my longest distance I have ever trained for was a half, I still experienced something similar. I took it easy on myself til I started feeling and I got back into the swing of things.

    You're amazing, you can do it!
  • Colofit
    Colofit Posts: 177 Member
    I ran my first a few years ago! It is an amazing experience and I am so so so glad I did it! I am not a great runner and ended up with an injury but got through it!! I TOTALLY understand the runners burn out you are experiencing! I think as you are training and the mile increase it gets to be such a drag and you don't enjoy it as much. Go on some runs that are only 2 or three miles but run it harder...even if you sprint walk sprint walk. That sort of running is so good for your training and yet psycologically it helps when you know you are "only" going out for a few miles! Also try changing your music you listen to (I did a "running" list of fast paced songs) or ask a friend to meet you for the last 3 or so miles on your long run day as that is something to look forward to and won't let you stop!!!! Add me as a friend so I can keep you motivated!! I promise the hardest part of a marathon is the training...race day is amazing!!!! Keep talking to people who have done it!!!
  • hummus40
    hummus40 Posts: 72
    THANKS BOTH OF YOU....I WILL TRY THESE SUGGESTIONS...i guess part of me is feeling like "well, i cant do it anyway"...i mean, the last 26.1 i ran was over 20years ago...i ran 13.1 in may but this is a huge difference. some ppl have said there is no way i can do it and i have that stuck in my head...seems like sometimes i think thats the way I feel.
  • brandyk77
    brandyk77 Posts: 605 Member
    I would suggest joining up with friends or a club on some runs.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    THANKS BOTH OF YOU....I WILL TRY THESE SUGGESTIONS...i guess part of me is feeling like "well, i cant do it anyway"...i mean, the last 26.1 i ran was over 20years ago...i ran 13.1 in may but this is a huge difference. some ppl have said there is no way i can do it and i have that stuck in my head...seems like sometimes i think thats the way I feel.

    Well, are you really ready to do this? Training for a marathon is a huge commitment that requires a lot of time. Maybe you just aren't mentally or physically prepared to run the full 26.2. Have you run enough miles prior to this or is your base lacking? There is no shame in not pressing forward if you aren't ready. I hate to see people attempt a race distance that they just aren't prepared for and have a horrible experience. You don't need to slog through the last 10 miles of a marathon in excruciating agony. That only happens when you haven't trained enough OR you make the huge mistake of going out way too fast (often a combination of both, but more the former than the latter).

    Is there an half also that you can drop back to? Can you defer until next year and choose a half to run instead?

    I think it's more important to make the smart choice based on how you feel and where you are in your training than it is to press on at all costs. Doing something you aren't ready for is a great way to become injured and/or destroy your love for running.

    Take a good, long look at where you are and decide for YOU. This is for you, not anyone else. You have to be comfortable with it.
  • hummus40
    hummus40 Posts: 72
    THANKS BOTH OF YOU....I WILL TRY THESE SUGGESTIONS...i guess part of me is feeling like "well, i cant do it anyway"...i mean, the last 26.1 i ran was over 20years ago...i ran 13.1 in may but this is a huge difference. some ppl have said there is no way i can do it and i have that stuck in my head...seems like sometimes i think thats the way I feel.

    Well, are you really ready to do this? Training for a marathon is a huge commitment that requires a lot of time. Maybe you just aren't mentally or physically prepared to run the full 26.2. Have you run enough miles prior to this or is your base lacking? There is no shame in not pressing forward if you aren't ready. I hate to see people attempt a race distance that they just aren't prepared for and have a horrible experience. You don't need to slog through the last 10 miles of a marathon in excruciating agony. That only happens when you haven't trained enough OR you make the huge mistake of going out way too fast (often a combination of both, but more the former than the latter).

    Is there an half also that you can drop back to? Can you defer until next year and choose a half to run instead?

    I think it's more important to make the smart choice based on how you feel and where you are in your training than it is to press on at all costs. Doing something you aren't ready for is a great way to become injured and/or destroy your love for running.

    Take a good, long look at where you are and decide for YOU. This is for you, not anyone else. You have to be comfortable with it.
  • hummus40
    hummus40 Posts: 72
    THANKS BOTH OF YOU....I WILL TRY THESE SUGGESTIONS...i guess part of me is feeling like "well, i cant do it anyway"...i mean, the last 26.1 i ran was over 20years ago...i ran 13.1 in may but this is a huge difference. some ppl have said there is no way i can do it and i have that stuck in my head...seems like sometimes i think thats the way I feel.

    Well, are you really ready to do this? Training for a marathon is a huge commitment that requires a lot of time. Maybe you just aren't mentally or physically prepared to run the full 26.2. Have you run enough miles prior to this or is your base lacking? There is no shame in not pressing forward if you aren't ready. I hate to see people attempt a race distance that they just aren't prepared for and have a horrible experience. You don't need to slog through the last 10 miles of a marathon in excruciating agony. That only happens when you haven't trained enough OR you make the huge mistake of going out way too fast (often a combination of both, but more the former than the latter).

    Is there an half also that you can drop back to? Can you defer until next year and choose a half to run instead?

    I think it's more important to make the smart choice based on how you feel and where you are in your training than it is to press on at all costs. Doing something you aren't ready for is a great way to become injured and/or destroy your love for running.

    Take a good, long look at where you are and decide for YOU. This is for you, not anyone else. You have to be comfortable with it.

    i honestly WANT to do this. i feel like my training has been very much lacking in the last week and so now i am concerned that i have "lost" it all. that is why i posted on mfp. needing feedback to see if that is the case.

    i havent run with my normal running group this season so the longest i have run during my training is 16miles. I had been following the training schedule to the mark and then SLLLLLLLLLLLowly drifted off. i do want to do this for me...just concerned that if i dont get back on the band wagon i wont be finishing the race. and i do want to finish the race i just dont know how to get INSPIRED AGAIN

    (i feel like my base is good. i am just concerned that due to my recent slack i will be lacking in the training arena.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    i honestly WANT to do this. i feel like my training has been very much lacking in the last week and so now i am concerned that i have "lost" it all. that is why i posted on mfp. needing feedback to see if that is the case.

    i havent run with my normal running group this season so the longest i have run during my training is 16miles. I had been following the training schedule to the mark and then SLLLLLLLLLLLowly drifted off. i do want to do this for me...just concerned that if i dont get back on the band wagon i wont be finishing the race. and i do want to finish the race i just dont know how to get INSPIRED AGAIN

    (i feel like my base is good. i am just concerned that due to my recent slack i will be lacking in the training arena.

    Well, if you have a good base and you've already run 16, then you can still finish the training and complete the race. One slack week isn't going to drain all of your fitness. You may just have to reevaluate your projected finish time. Sign up for a 5K or 10K in the next two weeks. Then, plug your results into McMillan's Running Calculator to see what your marathon projected finish time is.

    You know what you need to do. You have a plan. Make it happen.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Do you have rest weeks in your training plan? I have a 3 week on, 1 week "off" (an off week is just lower mileage...3 or 4 runs but no speed work and no long run) schedule for 16 weeks that helps a lot. I can look forward to that rest week, and know that I can actually do something on Saturday night, and not have to wake up at 530 Sunday to run 16/18/20 miles. Its a huge psychological help in training
  • hummus40
    hummus40 Posts: 72
    i honestly WANT to do this. i feel like my training has been very much lacking in the last week and so now i am concerned that i have "lost" it all. that is why i posted on mfp. needing feedback to see if that is the case.

    i havent run with my normal running group this season so the longest i have run during my training is 16miles. I had been following the training schedule to the mark and then SLLLLLLLLLLLowly drifted off. i do want to do this for me...just concerned that if i dont get back on the band wagon i wont be finishing the race. and i do want to finish the race i just dont know how to get INSPIRED AGAIN

    (i feel like my base is good. i am just concerned that due to my recent slack i will be lacking in the training arena.

    Well, if you have a good base and you've already run 16, then you can still finish the training and complete the race. One slack week isn't going to drain all of your fitness. You may just have to reevaluate your projected finish time. Sign up for a 5K or 10K in the next two weeks. Then, plug your results into McMillan's Running Calculator to see what your marathon projected finish time is.

    You know what you need to do. You have a plan. Make it happen.

    thanks, and i will check out that site. good information as usual :flowerforyou:
  • hummus40
    hummus40 Posts: 72
    Do you have rest weeks in your training plan? I have a 3 week on, 1 week "off" (an off week is just lower mileage...3 or 4 runs but no speed work and no long run) schedule for 16 weeks that helps a lot. I can look forward to that rest week, and know that I can actually do something on Saturday night, and not have to wake up at 530 Sunday to run 16/18/20 miles. Its a huge psychological help in training
  • hummus40
    hummus40 Posts: 72
    Do you have rest weeks in your training plan? I have a 3 week on, 1 week "off" (an off week is just lower mileage...3 or 4 runs but no speed work and no long run) schedule for 16 weeks that helps a lot. I can look forward to that rest week, and know that I can actually do something on Saturday night, and not have to wake up at 530 Sunday to run 16/18/20 miles. Its a huge psychological help in training
    i am not very good at these "quote" replies as you can tell.
    anyway, my training schedule doesnt allow for rest weeks. but if it did i just took it...guessing that i can still manage to make it thru. just nervous is all...but i guess that is better than being apathetic!
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    No worries, the marathon is a tough race, just don't get too down on yourself. We all have bad weeks of training. If I've learned anything in my 8 years of distance running, its that you sometimes just have to let a few runs go, whether it be because of sickness, or injury, or burn out. One week off of running won't kill your fitness, just get back out there :)

    I will sometimes take off my Garmin and run, not worrying about pace or distance, It helps me to remember that I do this because I love it.
  • Colofit
    Colofit Posts: 177 Member
    I had told you in my previous post that I had an injury in my Marathon...I got a bad case of (sorry for the spelling guess) Plantar fasciitis ...the longest training run I got up to was 17 but then had 4 weeks left before the run and was told no more training runs. I cycled instead to keep up my fitness and had PT on my foot, he told me he could get me around but that was all I could hope for. I was so worried with no training for those weeks that I would not get around but I did it!!! (foot started hurting pretty bad after mile 7)! My time was not terrific...5hr18 min...but I did it!! I'm only telling you because it sounds like you have had some good long runs so find it in you to get done what you need to do!! You won't regret it on race day that's for sure! The rest may have even done your body good so chin up girl, no excuses...get at it!!! (think of all these fantastic Olympians for inspiration...) I'm cheering you on!!!!!!!!!!
  • lmc8774
    lmc8774 Posts: 129 Member
    Oh, don't feel too bad, I think this is common. You can get tired, or just sick of running a lot. I think that is normal and doesn't necessarily mean that you aren't ready for it or anything. I've done 3 and I always go through periods of being highly motivated and then times where it is just kind of hard to go out and run one more time. Not running for a week or so during training isn't good, but it also isn't the end of the world either especially since the marathon is still a few months away. In the next few days, though, I would definitely go out and just do a small run to get back into things!

    I read the book, "The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer" for motivation during my first marathon. It follows a college class training for it's first marathon and there is good training advice and some good stories to read to remind you why you are doing it. If you get Netflix there are a few marathon documentaries that might help. One is called "Spirit of the Marathon" and it follows people training for their first.

    Doing a marathon is a great experience. It is so hard, but so worth it. Good Luck!
  • klewlis
    klewlis Posts: 79 Member
    If there are no step-back weeks in your program, then that is probably the main problem. In fact, I have never seen a marathon training program that did not have step-back weeks. Where did you get the program?

    Building fitness is about stress and rest. If you skip the rest, then you don't get stronger... you get weaker. You should have a step-back week every 3rd week or so, where you drop the mileage a bit and reduce the longest run.

    When I am training for ultramarathons, I often do every other week as a step-back.
  • hummus40
    hummus40 Posts: 72
    I had told you in my previous post that I had an injury in my Marathon...I got a bad case of (sorry for the spelling guess) Plantar fasciitis ...the longest training run I got up to was 17 but then had 4 weeks left before the run and was told no more training runs. I cycled instead to keep up my fitness and had PT on my foot, he told me he could get me around but that was all I could hope for. I was so worried with no training for those weeks that I would not get around but I did it!!! (foot started hurting pretty bad after mile 7)! My time was not terrific...5hr18 min...but I did it!! I'm only telling you because it sounds like you have had some good long runs so find it in you to get done what you need to do!! You won't regret it on race day that's for sure! The rest may have even done your body good so chin up girl, no excuses...get at it!!! (think of all these fantastic Olympians for inspiration...) I'm cheering you on!!!!!!!!!!

  • hummus40
    hummus40 Posts: 72
    No worries, the marathon is a tough race, just don't get too down on yourself. We all have bad weeks of training. If I've learned anything in my 8 years of distance running, its that you sometimes just have to let a few runs go, whether it be because of sickness, or injury, or burn out. One week off of running won't kill your fitness, just get back out there :)

    I will sometimes take off my Garmin and run, not worrying about pace or distance, It helps me to remember that I do this because I love it.

  • hummus40
    hummus40 Posts: 72
    Oh, don't feel too bad, I think this is common. You can get tired, or just sick of running a lot. I think that is normal and doesn't necessarily mean that you aren't ready for it or anything. I've done 3 and I always go through periods of being highly motivated and then times where it is just kind of hard to go out and run one more time. Not running for a week or so during training isn't good, but it also isn't the end of the world either especially since the marathon is still a few months away. In the next few days, though, I would definitely go out and just do a small run to get back into things!

    I read the book, "The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer" for motivation during my first marathon. It follows a college class training for it's first marathon and there is good training advice and some good stories to read to remind you why you are doing it. If you get Netflix there are a few marathon documentaries that might help. One is called "Spirit of the Marathon" and it follows people training for their first.

    Doing a marathon is a great experience. It is so hard, but so worth it. Good Luck!

  • hummus40
    hummus40 Posts: 72
    If there are no step-back weeks in your program, then that is probably the main problem. In fact, I have never seen a marathon training program that did not have step-back weeks. Where did you get the program?

    Building fitness is about stress and rest. If you skip the rest, then you don't get stronger... you get weaker. You should have a step-back week every 3rd week or so, where you drop the mileage a bit and reduce the longest run.

    When I am training for ultramarathons, I often do every other week as a step-back.