Cosplayers? Alternate Title: Nerds Unite!



  • Halleeon
    Halleeon Posts: 309 Member
    Are there any groups on MFP with all us nerd-folk and talking about nerdiness and weight loss? Just wondering because it'd be a great thing to have rather than just the one thread :)

    I went to Groups (under Community) and typed in "Geek" and several results came up. :)
  • KikiD22
    KikiD22 Posts: 114 Member
    Working on my costumes for Dragon*Con right now, actually.

    I sooo want to go to Dragon con next year. A bunch of my cosplay friends are attending this year, but it just wasn't in the budget for me. I'm even missing out on Wizard World Chicago this weekend because I have a figure competition this weekend (poor planning on my part.)

    Be on the lookout for one of my good friends Kearstin at Dragon Con. She's actually the one that introduced me to MFP. She's cosplaying at Angela (Spawn) and Mera (Red Lantern). A couple others too, but I don't know off hand. I think she's part of a Disney mermaid group with a few other better-known cosplayers.
  • KikiD22
    KikiD22 Posts: 114 Member
    Meeee!!! Check out my photos for my Firestar costume from SDCC 2011 and C2E2 2011. I am working on an Elektra costume right now (comic book Elektra, not crappy Jennifer Garner Elektra), and in the past two years, my costumes have included: Powergirl, Caprica Six (from BSG), Sookie from True Blood, Blind Mag from "Repo! The Genetic Opera." I have a wide variety of tastes... I also host a panel at SDCC and local Chicago-area conventions on "Costuming for Conventions."

    Oh, and I'm also a competitive fitness athlete.


    ^^^This :)