Whats your Muscle Building/Strength Routine??

My current routine looks like:

Monday - Upper A
Tuesday - Lower A
Wednesday - Off
Thursday - Upper B
Friday - Lower B
Saturday - Cardio
Sunday - Off


Push UP 2 x 25
Bench Press - 5 x 5
Barbell Row - 5 x 5
DB Incline Bench - 4 x 8
Lat Pulldown - 4 x 8
Lying Tricep Press - 4 x 8
Hammers Curls - 4 x 8
Dips - 4 x max


Squat - 5 x 5
Leg Press - 4 x 8
Good Morning - 4 x 8
Romanian Deadlift - 4 x 8
Seated Calf Raise - 4 x 15
Standing Calf Raise 4 x 15


Pullups - 4 x max
Shoulder Press - 5 x 5
T Bar Row - 5 x 5
Incline Bench - 4 x 8
Seated Row - 4 x 8
Close Grip Bench - 4 x 8
Barbell Curl 4 x 8
Cable pushdown - 4 x max
Cables Cross - 2 x max

Deadlift - 5 x 5
Front Squat - 4 x 8
Leg Press - 4 x 8
Romanian Deadlift - 4 x 8
Leg Curls - 4 x 8
Seated Calf Raise - 4 x 15
Calf Press - 4 x 15


  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Muscle building and strength building are not necessarily the same thing. Muscle building (as in deliberately gaining mass) involves a lot of isolation training, working in splits, which is not ideal for true strength gains. Strength gains are accomplished best from full body training.

    I do crossfit-style circuit training Tues, Thurs, and calisthenics on a suspension trainer Sundays. Mon, Wed, and Fri are strictly cardio.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Swim 3 days a week, cardio and weights 2 days a week. I don;t do the samw weight exercises each day. and I try to vary the cardio in the 2 days i only do cardio.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    full body compound lifts 3 days a week - squats, pull-ups, bench, deads, rows, shoulder press

    minimum of 150g protein daily.

  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    Seven Days a Week:

    Jumping Jacks - 1 x 55
    Deadlifts - 1 x 8
    Squats - 1 x 8
    Shoulder Press - 1 x 8
    Pull-ups - 1 x 13
    Decline Push-ups 1 x 13
    Dips - 1 x 13
    Curls - 1 x 8
    Kettlebell Swings - 1 x 34

    Walk 3.1 miles (5k): 0.2 miles between each set and balance after workout.

    TOTAL TIME: 45 minutes to 1 hour per day
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    Pre-lift abs hit: 5x20 hanging leg lifts, 1min bridge pose hold, 2min front plank, 1min each side plank. Then 3 sets of 6 unless otherwise noted:

    Barbell Squat in straight sets
    Alternate sets of Bench Press and Step Ups
    Alternate sets of Pullups (currently 3x2) and Dumbbell Snatch
    Alternate sets of Lateral Raises, Air Bike (3x15), and Chest Fly

    Barbell Deadlift in straight sets
    Alternate sets of Chinups (currently 3x4) and One-Leg Squat
    Alternate sets of Dumbbell Shoulder Press and Cable Kickback
    Alternate sets of Barbell Curl and Exercise Ball Crunch (3x15)

    Front Squat/Push Press combo in straight sets
    Alternate sets of Romanian Deadlift and Dumbbell Row
    Alternate sets of Sumo Squat and Pushups (3x10)
    Alternate sets of Calf Raise, Bench Dip, and Renegade Row

    Yoga, ballet, and running intervals the rest of the week.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I do full body training 3X a week of various moves.. Plus C25K 3X a week.
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,078 Member
    bump for later
  • Loulady
    Loulady Posts: 511 Member
    The Stronglifts program.

    M-W-F alternating:

    Workout A: squats bench press, pendlay rows
    Workout B: squats, overhead press, deadlifts
  • norabeth
    norabeth Posts: 176 Member
    I do ChaLean Extreme at home. Heavy weights 3x week. 1 day of circuit training. I also try and do more cardio than her plan says. I try and do cardio 3-4 days a week after weights. My goal is also to do yoga at least once a week. I work full time to support my husband and I while he is in school full time getting his masters, so we have cut out a lot of expenses including the gym. Which I miss because when we had our gym membership I would swim during the summer and did yoga consistently 2x a week.
  • yecatsml
    yecatsml Posts: 180 Member
    Lots of great workout ideas -
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    full body compound lifts 3 days a week - squats, pull-ups, bench, deads, rows, shoulder press

    minimum of 150g protein daily.


    This pretty much. + a few others.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    Mine are 4 days a week:

    Day 1: Chest/Triceps
    wide pushups
    dumbbell bench press (or something similar)
    cable flyes
    narrow pushups
    standing tricep extensions
    tricep pushdown

    Day 2: Back/Biceps
    lat pulldown
    dumbbell row
    seated cable rows
    cable pulldowns
    bicep curl
    "preacher" curl (i think is what its called)
    standing bicep curl

    Day 3: legs (my favorite!!!)
    leg press:heart:
    leg extensions
    leg curl
    standing & seated calf raises

    Day 4: abs/shoulder
    seated dumbbell press
    lateral raise
    exercise ball crunch
    air bike :smile:

    ....modified from Jamie Eason :happy:
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member

    Overhead Press
    Power Cleans

    Mon\Wed after compounds
    Seated and standing calves

    Fridays after compounds
    Isos in 8-12 range

    All three days
    Abs and grippers\rubber bands (forearm extensors) after everything else
  • 18guyhornet
    18guyhornet Posts: 195 Member
    full body compound lifts 3 days a week - squats, pull-ups, bench, deads, rows, shoulder press

    minimum of 150g protein daily.


    This pretty much. + a few others.

    CrossFit is killer as well which is pretty much compound moves.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    2 day on - 1 day off bodypart split.

    Chest: BB Incline, DB Incline, DB Incline Flyes / Pec Fly (rotate every other week), Weight Dips

    Back: Wide-Grip and Facing Grip Pullups, BB Bent Over Rows / DB Bent Over Rows (rotate every other week), Seated Rows, Reverse Lat Pulls, Deads

    Shoulders: Side Lat Raise, Front Plate Raise, DB Press, Iso One-Arm Press, Shrugs/Uprights (rotate every other week)

    Legs: Squats, Leg Press, Calf Raises
  • LaurnWhit
    LaurnWhit Posts: 261 Member
  • rhinojoe
    rhinojoe Posts: 21
  • MonkRocker
    MonkRocker Posts: 198
    I am currently doing sean10mm's stripped 5x5, as outlined here:

  • EyeLikeTacos
    EyeLikeTacos Posts: 324 Member
    Muscle building and strength building are not necessarily the same thing. Muscle building (as in deliberately gaining mass) involves a lot of isolation training, working in splits, which is not ideal for true strength gains. Strength gains are accomplished best from full body training.

    Man go sit down somewhere....
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    Sunday- Back
    Monday- Chest
    Wednesday- Shoulders
    Thursday- Arms
    Friday- Quads.
    Cardio is thrown in on days when I have time before or after work.

    I plan on switching to the 5/3/1 plan in a few weeks for my cut so that I can alternate weight and cardio days.

    It will probably look something like this but maybe the days switched around a bit to include a rest day.

    Sunday: Squats/assistance exercises
    Tuesday:Chest press/assistance exercises
    Wednesday: Cardio
    Thursday:Deadlifts/assistance exercises
    Friday: Cardio
    Saturday:Overhead press/assistance exercises