Picky Eater

daniellerb8 Posts: 12 Member
I love to try new foods, and recently I've come to like to try to cook healthy meals. I will admit I'm not a healthy eater at all, and this sounds stupid but until recently I couldn't claim to even know how to eat healthy. I'm still trying to learn how to eat healthy. So now the problem that I'm running into is that my fiance is a VERY picky eater. I don't want to have to make 2 different meals every night for supper but what he will eat is not at all what you would consider healthy. I'm trying to figure out how I can still continue to eat halfway healthy so that I can continue to lose weight but still make foods that he will eat. He doesnt like many vegatables either. He is definatly the definition of a meat and potatoes guy, add some pasta to that equation and he's in heaven!!! Any sugestions on how I can still cook something that he will like that I can still eat so that I don't have to make a second meal for myself?


  • Tors1984
    Tors1984 Posts: 25
    Mmm I know what you mean - more than the problem of cooking two meals every night is the expense!!! It works out so expensive!

    This time round, I'm having the same meals as my husband, or should I say, he's having the same meals as me haha.

    I'm just having smaller scale meals.

    Saturday night we had chicken escalope, jacket potato and mushrooms.

    Last night we had pork chop, roasted potatoes (I did mine in fry light, but his in butter) and roasted veg.

    Tonight we're having a sweet and sour chicken and veg stir fry.

    You could both have meat and potatoes (but you have fewer if you're finding your calorie allowance won't allow it) and you can have vegetables but he doesn't have to. You can still have pasta too, just weight it out.

    Hope that helps a bit!