Stomach/gut fat



  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    Usually you lose fat in the reverse order that you gained it. If you gain in your stomach first, it might take awhile to lose the gut. I've lost a good chunk of my gut, but now that I have muscle forming underneath the fat, I can't suck it in so it actually looks almost as big as when I started. It is also unevenly losing fat so one side hangs down about half an inch lower than the other side and it is getting saggy. Makes me a bit self conscious but I know if I stick with it, I will get it where I want it. You will too...just stick with it!


    not saying I'm glad its happening to you too though, I'm just elated I'm not the only one. Ever since I had my second son, whenever I lean over or lie on my side my belly fat just flops to that side in a puddle. I am so loose now, and I am not overweight so its daunting to think how much time it will take to lose this, or how thin I will have to be :/
  • Cheeta_HH
    Cheeta_HH Posts: 489 Member
    I'm in the same boat! I can see toning taking place in other areas, but my lower abs are being very stubborn! I just read an article in Women's Health that recommended doing planks instead of crunches to strengthen the entire core. There must be some truth to that- I went to a class a couple weeks ago where we did tons of planks, and I was sore for about 3 days! I do crunches all the time and never really feel much afterwards.

    Good luck!