Picky eater

I love to try new foods, and recently I've come to like to try to cook healthy meals. I will admit I'm not a healthy eater at all, and this sounds stupid but until recently I couldn't claim to even know how to eat healthy. I'm still trying to learn how to eat healthy. So now the problem that I'm running into is that my fiance is a VERY picky eater. I don't want to have to make 2 different meals every night for supper but what he will eat is not at all what you would consider healthy. I'm trying to figure out how I can still continue to eat halfway healthy so that I can continue to lose weight but still make foods that he will eat. He doesnt like many vegatables either. He is definatly the definition of a meat and potatoes guy, add some pasta to that equation and he's in heaven!!! Any sugestions on how I can still cook something that he will like that I can still eat so that I don't have to make a second meal for myself?


  • BodyFuel
    BodyFuel Posts: 13 Member
    My husband was just like that at first. Cook a healthy/lean protein and potatoes and/or pasta. Cook veggies or make a fresh salad to go with your protein. If you spend time with seasonings you may be able to, over years, get your guy on board with you. Best wishes!