31 and Only lost 3lbs my first 2 weeks on MFP



  • paleirishmother
    If you lose -3lbs every 2 weeks, you'll reach your goal in no time.
  • jbdaddy1920
    Slow and steady is good at times...LMAO sorry I had to say it.
  • klafrancis
    klafrancis Posts: 34 Member
    Three pounds in 2 weeks is incredible! Seriously! Take it from someone who was stuck at the same weight for 4 months! I just had to tell myself the diet and exercise were worth it regardless of what the scale said. Boy am I glad I was patient and continued my journey. After a long, long time the scale finally went down....and now I am free falling! You have to take the good with the bad and trust that you are doing the right thing for yourself. It WILL come off eventually!
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522 Member
    it took me a month to lose that.
  • Merc71
    Merc71 Posts: 412 Member
    3 lbs in two weeks = 1-1/2 lbs per week. That sounds pretty normal to me!

    All the weight that you're trying to lose didn't show up overnight -- it's unrealistic to think that it's going to come off overnight. Slow and steady, you'll be more successful that way. Keep at it, you're doing just fine!
  • sweetteacher123
    You need to remember that weight loss that stays off is indeed slow and steady. One pound a week is a general rule, so you're actually above average! Do not believe the tv informertials that show weight just "melting off"...those are lies! Keep working out every day and keep watching your calorie intake. Your body will keep burning! Slow and steady wins the race!

    P.S. Don't bother with the fasting/detox. You may actually do damage to your revving metabolism and slow it down.
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    Im 31 5'1 and have been doing MFP for 2 week... I have been working out and every morning either to Turbo Jam or 30 day Shred. My first week I lost 2lbs that was great .... My 2nd week I lost 1lb I am very disappointed. So this week I am going to do a 7 day detox of fruit veggies and lean meet. Has anyone else got a slow start... I need to see lbs off and numbers dropping on the scale. Has anyone else experienced this? Does anyone have any advice? HELP!!!!!!! :explode: :grumble: :sad:

    3 pounds in 2 weeks sounds about normal and healthy, especially for someone that's 5'1" tall.

    Dropping too much more implies lean muscle tissue. 1-2 pounds a week should be your goal, expect some fluctuations due to sodium retention on some days and other variables.


    Make sure that you weigh yourself at the same time and with you body under the same conditions. Weightloss isn't linear as it is; if you chart your weight over 2 months you will not see a straight line, but a zig-zagging one, so long as it's trending in the right direction you are okay.
  • jbdaddy1920
    Hi there,

    3 lbs in two weeks is actually very good! Slow and steady is much better than quick loss. When I started, I had about one (maybe 1.5 lbs) loss per week. Don't get discouraged, if you stick with it, the lbs will drop! I'm doing Turbo Jam and have done 30DS- both great programs!

    Slow and Steady is very good at times...LMAO sorry had to say it.
  • ohnuts14
    ohnuts14 Posts: 197
    I know, I get kind of obsessed with the scale too sometimes. It's a hard habbit to break. If you feel it's becoming a problem for you, try maybe waiting until the end of the month to weigh in, if you feel like you can do that. I tried... I couldn't resist lolll but maybe you can. And like someone else said, keep taking measurements, perhaps once or twice a month, because that's where the real results are at. I stopped seeing weight loss at one point for almost a month it felt like, and I was getting very discouraged, so I decided to finally take my measurements again, and after measuring my ankles, calves, thighs, waist, bust and arms, I had lost a total of like 20 inches that month. That fat loss didn't show up on the scale because muscle is more dense and accounts for more weight, so sometimes that'll happen too, which is why measuring is sooo important. Even if you're not doing any 'strength training,' you will develop muscle. All I was doing was walking everyday lol. But at my weight, for my body, walking is major exercise, so I was really putting those muscles to work lol.

    That detox sounds awesome, good luck with that. Veggies are always good to have lots of! :) If you need ideas of how to incorporate them into your diet, you can try juicing, and you can also try eating them raw if you're like me and find you're usually too lazy to cook. I got really into raw foods for that reason.. and that reason alone lolll. I'll get broccoli, sugar snap peas, string beans, cauliflower, cucumber, zuchinni, carrots, etc, and just eat them raw, dip them in some ranch or hummus or something.
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    You are on the right track (minus the detox) losing 1 to 2 lbs per week. I reached my goal at that steady slow pace myself. No special pills, no mineral packed shakes, no fasting, no detox or vitamin supplements.

    The only thing that needs ajusting is your attitude. It is not a diet sprint race, it's a marathon. Do it the healthy way and you will reach your goal eventually. Looking for quick fixes will be trouble in the future.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    The only thing that needs ajusting is your attitude. It is not a diet sprint race, it's a marathon. Do it the healthy way and you will reach your goal eventually. Looking for quick fixes will be trouble in the future.

    She said it.
  • di2losew8
    di2losew8 Posts: 131 Member
    Remember muscle weighs more then fat. You might have lost some fat now and gained a little muscle. Please don't focus on numbers thats where people get into trouble, NEEDING to be at a certain number or weight. Take it slow and enjoy how you look and feel.