Newbie here...

Struggling with my weight again. I have around 40 lbs. to go. Hate water, but make myself drink it anyway. Was walking my treadmill but the motor started smelling burnt so I gave that up. Been out in my pool trying to get as much exercise as I possibly can. Just recently quit smoking, April 4th of this year. I put on 30 lbs. after that. This will be like my 4th time trying to lose weight in a large amount. Hoping it sticks this time. My children are all grown, 26, 22 and my baby..18. Four Grand Babies..3, 3 yr. old Grand Babies, 2 of which are Twins and my oldest being 7. Good luck to whomever took the time to read can and will be done, if we want it bad enough!:happy:


  • lindsiswatchingyou
    lindsiswatchingyou Posts: 114 Member
    Welcome and good luck!
  • eatz2mch
    eatz2mch Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you!:smile:
  • Blondehelmet
    Blondehelmet Posts: 32 Member
    Good on you for being motivated enought to make a change! Time to restablish some new habits and give yourself the gift of health! Good luck!
  • jhg82sc
    jhg82sc Posts: 2
    Good Luck to you! I am new on here too and I cant count how many times I've lost weight just to gain it back and then some. I am on Day 7 of the Beachbody Power 90 In Home Boot Camp. I am trying not to set numbers for myself just in case I dont reach them and get discouraged so I am going to consider any amount of weight and/or inches lost a WIN.
    We will all be successful, just have to take it one day at a time and make ourselves exercise every day just make the commitment to do it. I actually made a work out calendar that I put on my bedroom wall and I mark off each day I exercise. It, in a way, holds me accountable because my husband can see it too and if a day isnt checked off, he holds be accountable for that and I actually feel bad/guilty when I dont exercise. I am determined that this will be the last time I restart a weight loss plan.

    Keep pushing. Keep moving and we will all reach our goals, just take it one day at a time. :smile:
  • MamaWalkingBear
    MamaWalkingBear Posts: 49 Member
    :happy: Good Luck!! I'm reading Thin for Life, and there are some awesome individuals who have mastered weight control. I met one of them last Thursday at one of my weight management meetings. He's Bob W. in the book. He weighed over 400 pounds as a teen and now stays between 160 and 155. He does it by keeping a food kit with him, of healthy option. I've started doing the same and am down a little over 2 pounds so far.

    Each person is different, and what it takes to master your weight is within you, you just have to discover what truly works.

    I wish you the best on your journey to get there!!!
  • MainahGirl
    MainahGirl Posts: 282 Member
    New to this and would love to be friends and do this together!
  • Doviene
    Doviene Posts: 8 Member
    Good luck to you as well, I quit smoking 7 yrs ago and have been struggling ever since. My bad guessI was trying to see how big I could get...:ohwell: Now I need to be the person I use to be, would love to have you as a friend and support

  • GraceYZ
    GraceYZ Posts: 3
    I am also new here - 3 weeks - 3 lbs.....well not so good, I am trying hard...
    I wish to see you here with success :), I gained 40 lbs !!!!! over 2 years, I feel very bad /heavy /old....TIME TO CHANGE !!!! :mad:
  • hi! still fairly new to the community, and looking forward to getting to know some people who have the same goals for weight loss as me! i've been doing this a few months now, and its still a struggle sometimes, I can't seem to lose the last few pounds i want to lose. Bread is the hardest for me. So hard to break my bad eating habits!

  • eatz2mch
    eatz2mch Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you very much!! That's exactly what I'm shooting for!:smile:
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • Marie31450
    Marie31450 Posts: 96 Member
    Well you certainly have come to the right place to start this journey of weight loss that we all are on! Keep an accurate diary and keep moving. There is a lot of support on this site and good info! Feel free to add me if you like! :)
  • eatz2mch
    eatz2mch Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks and I need to come up with a good work-out video to help me out. My treadmill has messed up on me, and my pool I can't get into every day. A work-out video sounds like a good plan. Have any ideas on one that has a lot of arobics in it? Thanks for the response and add me if you like, I need all the help I can get.:smile:
  • Dragonldy69
    Dragonldy69 Posts: 368 Member
    :flowerforyou: I would like to WELCOME all the new members on this post to MFP.. You will like this site it is very supportive and motivational.. Feel free to add me if you want..
  • eatz2mch
    eatz2mch Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you so much...good luck to you also!:happy:
  • MouseTmom
    MouseTmom Posts: 201 Member
    good luck with your journey!!!!
  • eatz2mch
    eatz2mch Posts: 10 Member
    I am also new here - 3 weeks - 3 lbs.....well not so good, I am trying hard...
    I wish to see you here with success :), I gained 40 lbs !!!!! over 2 years, I feel very bad /heavy /old....TIME TO CHANGE !!!! :mad:

    I can totally relate with the feeling bad, heavy and old. It is time for a change and it will happen if we want it bad enough!:smile:
  • My mom is 67 and quit smoking a few years ago and has diabetes. She is in the obese range and needs an inhaler if she walks more than 15 minutes. She has been overweight her whole life, but when her grandchildren were born, she has 6 of them now, she decided to make a change. We saw a nutritionist and an occupational therapist. She has lost 40 pounds in the last 2 years and I am so very proud of her. She has had both knees replaced and fought cancer... but she says weight loss is her biggest challenge. She sees a therapist once a month because she says she eats to comfort herself and goes to weight watchers. This year she went to Disney and did not need her inhaler and swam with the kids. Her diabetes is better controlled and she has more energy. She swims 3 times a week and walks about 2 miles a day and rides an indoor bike or rowing machine for 30 minutes. I guess what I am saying is that no matter how old or young you are, taking care of yourself is the biggest gift you can give to yourself, your children and your grandchildren. I saw my nephew, who is 3, do curls with my hand weight. When I asked him what he was doing he said "making my bones strong". I said "you mean your muscles" and he said "no, auntie, my bones. Grandma showed me how to make my bones strong." My mom is my hero and a wonderful role model and grandmother. By the way she turns 71 next week and no longer needs blood pressure meds!!!
  • Gabbi
    Gabbi Posts: 206 Member
    Hi and welcome.. I think we are all here for the same reason.. Weght issues. We will stick together and work on it and we will SUCCEED!!!
  • Good luck to you. I too am new on this "MyFitnessPal" I have journaled 10 days now and I have lost 2 lbs so far. I am really trying to cut back on carbs and sugars b/c i have fibromylagia and i know sugar is not good for me. It hasn't been quite as bad as i thought it might be. I hope i can stick to it. I want to loose 10 lbs and then hopefully another 5. I am at the age that i don't care if i am skinny anymore but just be able to fit back into my clothes I was in 2 yrs ago. I had lost 15 lb and gained it back in 2 yrs and it is very frustrating. Try and drink as much water as you can b/c that does help you along.