Menopause belly

Anyone else fighting this battle? I beat it once by totally cutting out carbs for 4 weeks. Weight fell off especially in my belly but then as I added carbs back in it slowly started to come back and now yuck! You might ask then why don't I cut out carbs again? Because its HARD!!! I love cereal!


  • Hi, I am suffering from this too...only I really didnt have it till they put me on hrt. I gained 10 lbs almost overnight with no change in my eating. SO, needless to say, here I am again. I am only 5 ft tall so every little ounce shows. Any help or ideas you may have for me would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to friend me.
  • flslp87
    flslp87 Posts: 175 Member
    I don't know if my is from menopause or leftover from pregnancy (although my twins are 10) but that area is the worst to work on.....I have been doing low fat (and was rewarded w/ good numbers on cholesterol) and recently started doing different ab exercises to target my transverse ab muscle......we'll see if it works...
  • dawnal1028
    dawnal1028 Posts: 29 Member
    I am battling this issue and am feeling very frustrated because the weight (at least on the scale) is NOT coming off! I am trying to keep to the calorie restriction on MFP, and want to work out (fast walking on the treadmill) at least 5 days a week. It seems like in the past when I was dieting and working out, the pounds started coming off, but now that I am past menopause, aaaaaaaaaaaaargh! Frustrating to say the least, but I am determined. I'm very willing to have friends here if anyone would like to send me a request. Have a great rest of the week. :happy: