Fast Weight Loss Vs. Health Issues

Okay, there are two reasons Im loosing weight.

1) I HATE the way I look. I'm only about 40 pounds over my ideal weight, and don't look that bad when I'm out and about, but its clear how much weight I'm carrying when its not all covered up.
2) I want to enter the criminal justice field, starting out as a police officer and either working up to detective or entering the k9 unit. I have to be physically fit, but even though it sounds crazy, I know I would feel better about exercising if I didn't weigh so much, it would just make me feel less self-conscious about exercising.

So my goal is to be 120 by Christmas. Meaning I have to shed about 35lbs before Christmas. Which is only two months away, I know, but I really want to reach that goal. Then I'd only have about 10 more lbs after that to reach my ultimate goal. I've heard of some people loosing 3-5 lbs a week. How do you do it? Please give me some advice. I don't want to get sick or anything, but I'd really like to loose that weight by Xmas.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Try Isagenix
    every healthy and fairly quick weight loss
  • trshumway
    trshumway Posts: 7 Member
    Have you thought about doing a detox? I know there are some non-advocates of detox diets on this board, but speaking from personal experience, it can work and can be very safe. The the one that I did in June is called the Martha's Vineyard Detox and it has completely changed my life, in so many positive ways. Like you, I was about 40 lbs over my ideal weight (which I did not know until I started losing, thinking I only needed to lose 20) and am well-proportioned enough that I didn't look bad, but I felt bad and my clothes were too tight. I did the detox for 21 days, lost 14 lbs (most people lose about 21 but I was exercising quite a bit which actually inhibited the weight loss.) However, what it did for me more than anything was make me feel incredible, both physically and emotionally, and completely change the way I look at food and realize the implications of everything that I put into my body. This site has also helped me tremendously manage portion control (which has always been an issue for me), and I am so glad I have found it. In total, I have lost 32 lbs, and would like to lose another 8 and then I will use this site to maintain.

    What I liked most about the detox is the philosophy behind it, and the fact that while on it, though I was consuimg very few calories, what I was consuming was very nutrient-rich, and was also shedding toxins from my body, I had incredible energy during the whole process and felt such an amazing accomplishment that has since continued to motivate me to keep going on this path to weight loss. Honestly, I haven't felt this great since high school when I was very active in sports (I'm 35) and just last week, my aesthetician, to whom I have been going to for over 5 years, and works with people all day long to make them more beautiful, said I look 10 years younger and that my skin is glowing! I had a client tell me last week that I look 23 - I wanted to kiss him! So, as you can see, the weight loss is great, as are all the other side affects! I recommend that you just read the book, see for yourself, and decide if it's something that you think you want to do and CAN do. The book is "21 lbs in 21 Days" by Roni Deluz. And if you have any questions I am happy to help you out. Good luck!
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    What's so important about Christmas time for the goal? 3-5 pounds is not realistic unless you are obese or you basically go on a liquid diet. You would only be able to eat like 700 calories a day. 1200 cals a day will get you 2 lbs. if you are pretty heavy; 1200 cals now will only get me 1.3 pounds a week because I weigh 157. I would take it slow and can still lose 2 lbs. a week but 3-5 is just too much. Good luck and be safe! :flowerforyou:
  • twilight1542
    Okay, there are two reasons Im loosing weight.

    1) I HATE the way I look. I'm only about 40 pounds over my ideal weight, and don't look that bad when I'm out and about, but its clear how much weight I'm carrying when its not all covered up.
    2) I want to enter the criminal justice field, starting out as a police officer and either working up to detective or entering the k9 unit. I have to be physically fit, but even though it sounds crazy, I know I would feel better about exercising if I didn't weigh so much, it would just make me feel less self-conscious about exercising.

    So my goal is to be 120 by Christmas. Meaning I have to shed about 35lbs before Christmas. Which is only two months away, I know, but I really want to reach that goal. Then I'd only have about 10 more lbs after that to reach my ultimate goal. I've heard of some people loosing 3-5 lbs a week. How do you do it? Please give me some advice. I don't want to get sick or anything, but I'd really like to loose that weight by Xmas.

    The healthiest way to lose weight & keep it off is through nutrition & exercise. Diet pills may be faster but they all have negative side effects & generally the weight is gained back once they are no longer being taken.

    Also, the closer you are to your goal weight, the harder it is to lose weight & the longer it takes. I've been at this for 5 months & have lost 53 lbs. The first month or so was when I was bringing in big #'s each week. Since then an average of 2lbs per week. But this last week nothing :( I'm hoping this is b/c I had 2 events last week & although I ate small portions & made good choices the food probably had a much higher sodium content than my body has grown accustomed to. So my fingers are crossed that it's water weight & I'll have a decent loss this coming week.

    Just my 2 cents so I hope it helps :)
  • twilight1542
    Have you thought about doing a detox? I know there are some non-advocates of detox diets on this board, but speaking from personal experience, it can work and can be very safe. The the one that I did in June is called the Martha's Vineyard Detox and it has completely changed my life, in so many positive ways. Like you, I was about 40 lbs over my ideal weight (which I did not know until I started losing, thinking I only needed to lose 20) and am well-proportioned enough that I didn't look bad, but I felt bad and my clothes were too tight. I did the detox for 21 days, lost 14 lbs (most people lose about 21 but I was exercising quite a bit which actually inhibited the weight loss.

    Why would exercise inhibit weight loss?
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I suggest you gain a hundred pounds before trying to lose that much in two months.

    Really? You want to lose weight fast to be healthy? With not that much to go, I highly suggest setting a more reasonable goal for yourself and realize it's more about lifestyle and inches as opposed to pounds.

    Be healthy and you -***won't regret it***- by Christmas even if you don't make the pounds goal.
  • number7
    number7 Posts: 10 Member
    I agree with a lot of what other people had to say
    However, based on your comment about your interest in law enforcement, my personal advice would be to focus on improving your fitness, such as the number of pushups, pullups, situps can do and the speed of your running both long and short distances.
    As a member of the military, and someone who knows a lot of people in the military and law enforcement, I would recommend this mainly because I know (from personal experience) that is no way one can be acheive the level of fitness required by this type of lifestyle and still be fat :) Its something I've been working on for a while now. As you improve your diet, lifestyle, and level of fitness, the weight will come off, and you will be far better qualified for your anticipated career!