And away we go

Just wanted to say hi and give a quick intro.

My story isn't anything special, I'm just a busy working mother who, almost three years after her son's birth, wants to finally get down into a healthy BMI and some of my pre-pregnancy clothing.

I was very fit before my kiddo. I gained the typical 10-15 lbs after my wedding and then, in 2008, decided to whip myself into shape and dropped 25 lbs which I managed to keep off until my pregnancy. I was in the best shape of my life.

After an unplanned c-section and the birth of my son, I suffered from post-partum depression for several months, followed by a thyroid cancer scare and surgery. For two years, I seemed to be riding a roller coasted of highs and lows. Subsequently, I lost focus and motivation. My emotions turned me on to snacking and all of my old habits. The more I ate, the more I gained and the more I beat myself up.

I'm at the point, just now, where I've hit a brick wall and I'm tired of making excuses and feeling sorry for myself. I have a clean bill of health and a lovely family to think about. I don't want my son to remember me as I am right now. I put so much work into him and so little time into myself .

I have a "realistic" 20 lbs to lose. At only 5' 2" it doesn't take much to make me round. I don't aspire to be model thin, that's just not me. But I would happily settle for feeling fit and, above all else, comfortable in my own skin again.

I have no set regime - just watching my calories to ensure I'm eating about 1300/ day and exercising daily for about 45 minutes - some days high intensity, some days lower mixed with weights.

I once dreamed of becoming a personal trainer and I hope I can get myself back into than mindset again one day.

To all those of you out there - I wish you best of luck on your own personal missions. I think we are always our own worst critics. My mantra - we all have to start somewhere. I know that change isn't going to happen overnight so it's a matter of appreciating the small victories along the way and not getting "low" of those off days.

~ Jenn