The hidden calories in cooking oil?

(Not sure if this belongs in Nutrition of Chit sorry if I'm mistaken!)

So it's not a big problem for me anymore as I'm eating less with less effort anyways, but I'd like to bring to light a hidden danger:

Cooking spray! Pretty much all bottles say 0 calories..but they can't be! That is impossible. Right now I use an olive oil spray bottle, and it says 0 calories for 2/3 of a spray?? What does that even MEAN? I use more than one spray when spraying down a how many calories for that be? A full tablespoon is usually 120 calories!

So I guess my question is...should this be something people should be aware of? I know when I was heavier I was logging every little thing and I would've hated to think that I was consuming an extra 100 calories I didn't know about. Thoughts?


  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    0 calories for cooking spray is a little misleading, but most people when spraying won't use more than 5 calories worth. I have a sprayer that I put olive oil in, because it's so much easier to use less when spraying. Yes, if you are using a lot of sprays, you should count it. On MFP, you can put in the number of sprays and get a real calorie number. But, for most people, I don't think it's a problem.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    It is impossible to use what they consider a serving size. I am not sure humans are capable of making such a small spray of oil! When I was crazed about counting every calorie, I would try and come in a little under calorie goal every day to account for any estimates where i was wrong. There are only about 40 calories in an entire teaspoon of oil, so one quick squirt of oil certainly won't make you gain weight. Even nutritional labels on boxed food you buy are up to 20% inaccurate (source: ).

    Bottom line: don't sweat it.